Gally | love/hate

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[IMAGINE FOR Violetstone and brunagomez]

You and your friends Minho, Thomas and Newt were sitting on the grass talking as usual. The topic of today was Gally, "that guy's a shucking prick, that's what he is!" You states staring at Gally from afar. You start to pick the grass from the ground, as the guys go on saying how he's 'not that bad'.

"Guys!" You whine, "I have to work with him. I'm assigned as a builder, and he sorta freaks me out." You murmur, "Don't be, he's a good lad... Well deep down anyway." Newt reassures you and pats your back. Thomas speaks up, "Well.. I'm a bit confused... Gally seems to have a problem with me actually, and I have no idea why. I haven't done anything to him, so it's weird." He says. Minho pipes up, "It's just a miss understanding.." Minho tells him. "Misunderstanding.. about what!? What have I done??" Thomas asks confused, "he thought-" Minho starts then looks at you and stops.

"Well what did he think?" Thomas asks, you decide to pipe in, "yeah! What did he think?" Minho stares at you then at Thomas, then at Newt. "Look. Let's not talk about it now." Newt says motioning us to look at Gally, "see he's staring." You all look over to see him stare at you all. Newt suddenly groans quietly. "Don't all look at the same time, your making it obvious."

"You know what," you start, "I don't even want to look at him. I don't want to look at his evil face. I have heard about all the mean and crazy things he has done and it disgusts me, so.." You state turning away from him and staring at your three beloved boys.

"Any tips?" You say, after a while. "On what?" Minho asks, lying on his stomach. "On work, you nong." "Oh.. I don't know I'm a runner." Minho answers, you roll your eyes. "Well thanks for the help, fellas." You say sarcastically, getting up and walking of to the homestead get ready for introduction.


As Y/N leaves we all decide to get up and spend some guy time. "Please tell me the so called misunderstanding between Gally and I." I ask, while we walk around. "Oh yeah, I couldn't tell you back there with Y/N around and all." I nod, so this must be about her then.. Maybe?

"Gally thought you liked Y/N which made him really jealous." Minho explains. "What?? No way! I mean I love her, but not in a relationsh- wait.. Why does he care anyway? I heard that he dislikes her." I say, recalling some boys saying 'Gally, doesn't like her.. at all. He doesn't think she belongs here and he also thinks that there's 'something' about her.' And that's one of the reasons why she doesn't like him back either. Well actually.. hates him.

"Well.. He does, he hates her but he's jealous.. It's weird. On one hand he can't stand her and on the other he doesn't want anyone having her." Newt says clearing it up. "Wow.. I just want to spend one day in Gally's mind." Minho says. It's true, I would like to see the logic running through Gally's head. His weird, twisted logic.

"Yes?" Gally asks suddenly appearing from behind us. We all turn around afraid we might've talked a bit too loud. Nobody says a word, "I heard my name." No one answers. "Um.. Gally! I'm ready for work." Y/N says from behind Gally. He turns around angrily. "Right." He huffs storming towards her. Thank god for Y/N.


You see the boys getting into a minor brawl with Gally, and you decide to step in before anything bad happens. "Um.. Gally! I'm ready for work." You grumble loudly behind him. Gally roughly turns toward you and grunts, "right." He storms to you. While holding Minho, Newt and Thomas' attention you give them a "kill me now" sort of look.

Gally nudges roughly past you, you quickly feel the pain so you rub your shoulder feeling very angry. The three guys automatically stomp towards Gally, to step up for you but you step in front of them blocking them from potential harm, "just leave it." You say rubbing the sore area, "it's fine..." You tell them, then start jogging into the builders hut. It was introduction day where everyone gets a day off, except for the leaders who need to demonstrate.

You find Gally in the corner setting up something, and walk over to him, crossing your arms. "What are you doing just standing there?" He grunts. "Waiting for you!" You backfire. He looks into your eyes with hatred. "Make yourself useful.." He grumbles. You look around having no idea what to do. How did he expect you to just jump in without an introduction of some sort.

"Look man." You quit looking back at him. "Can you just tell me what to do.. And explain it as well. Seeming that it's my first official day and all, I deserve some bit of help." "Help is not what your deserve.." He mumbles under his breath, but you heard it. "Huh? What was that?" You ask rhetorically. "Nothing." "Excuse me?" You ask again. "NOTHING." He yells.

He the stands up of his chair, making you take a large step back. You started to get a bit scared by his temper. You look around for people, and realise no person was within 20 meters reach of you.. Except Gally of course.

"You.." He states, grabbing you and placing you in a chair. You sit down and watch as Gally walks around the desk so he looks straight at you. "Y/N.. There's something about you. Your so annoyingly repulsive.." He states making you feel really really angry. You squeeze your knuckles tight. "And it makes me angry and want to hate you.." You breath out heavily ready to actually strike the shank. "But.. Your also so annoyingly amazing, annoyingly beautiful." You release your secured knuckles, not really sure whether he was telling the truth or not.

"I think it's the way you talk, with such integrity, pride and passion. You stick up for what you believe in, which makes me want you even more. We are so similar, and that's what I think makes us so against each other we are two strong personalities. And Y/N.. I'm just gonna go out and say it.. I love you... And I love to hate you" You understood what he was trying to say, except for the last part... But you knew what he was saying was true, every single bit of it.

"You know what Gall?" You ask him strictly, acting frustrated. "What?" He asks. "I hate to love you.." You tell him un-crossing your arms and in latching your deadly stare. He immediately runs around the table grabs your head and smashes it with his. Although very confused, all you could gather was how both of your fiery personalities matched one another. And how his amazingly breathtaking kisses made you hate him even more.

"Gosh Gally.." You mutter, sucking in air. "You are just a-" you interrupt yourself, by kissing him again, and again and again.. You couldn't help it it was truly the best thing you've ever experienced.

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