Newt | Reality #2

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This was the day. You were finally going to confess your feelings to Newt, whether he likes it or not.

After you get dressed, you stomp over to Minho outside. You ask him, "where's Newt?" In your most urgent voice. Minho doesn't reply, but the boy next to him does, "He's over there." He points to the treehouse. Minho groans, and slaps the boy on the shoulder. "You absolute slint-head!" Minho whispers to the kid.

You make your way to the treehouse, but get stopped by Minho. "Lovely day isn't it?" He asks you. You nod and push him out of the way.

He comes back. "Oh my shoelace.. I need to tie it up or else I'll fall. But oh no I don't know how too.." He groans, asking you to tie his shoelace. You ignore it once again and walk around him.

Once you reach the treehouse you understand why he was trying to keep you away. There leaning up against a wooden pole were your best friends Teresa and Newt kissing each other.

"Wow." You whisper to your self letting a tear fall and walking away.


I really didn't mean it. It was Newt, he was the one who kissed me. I really didn't want this to happen.. And now that it has, I know I've lost my best friend.

I quickly pull away. "Newt!" I yell at him. His face shows shock and disappointment. "You don't get it do you?" I say stepping back until I hit a tree. He stares clueless, "Y/N, loves you." I mumble. falling down into a sitting position. "She loves you so much, and its crazy how you don't see it. Thomas, Minho even Gally for goodness sakes knows. Except for you!" I cant help but yell.

Newt still hasn't broken the silence, until a tear runs down my face. "I'm so sorry." He bends down to look at me. "I did not know. If I had- Things wouldv'e been different. Please trust me, they would have." He explains, with guilt written all over his face.

"I feel so bad." I mumble. "I've betrayed my best friend. How ever can I live with myself." I place a hand over my face, guilt also eating me up. "It wasn't you fault Teresa... It was mine. Do not blame yourself!" He says pulling my hand away from my face.

He then grabs my hands and pulls me up. "Okay.. I don't think anyone has seen us." He says looking around. "Can we both pretend like it never happened and get on with our lives? We can easily keep this secret, especially from Y/N. Especially if we don't want to loose a best friend." I absorb this proposition. "Anything. I will do anything not too loose Y/N." I reply, crossing my arms over my body in coldness.

"It's sorted then." Newt tries to smile, I cant look at him the same so I turn around and walk away. He then catches my arm. "Teresa. I am so sorry I kissed you. You need to know that. And you need to know, that if I knew of Y/N's feelings, things would've been different." I nod. "I know. But please, just forget about me and that kiss and just consider Y/N's feelings. She loves you so much." I tell him, another tear rolling down my face as I say the last part.

How can I live with this?


You fold my arms and speed off to anywhere but the tree house, where-

where your friends are enjoying each others company.

You turn your head and notice Minho staring at you with sympathy in his eyes. He knows what has happened. And you appreciate him giving you some space.

You walk into the home-stead and trudge towards your bed. Kicking and thrashing at everything and anything in your way. You cant help it, you feel so betrayed. This is not what friends do. You fall onto your bed and clutch your head.

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