Chapter One - tête-à-tête

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Chapter One


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Inside Malacanañg Palace

"Mr. President, we don't know what technology the perpetrator is using. American, Chinese, or Russian, we don't know... But to announce himself like that means something else. And I'm assuming it's not in our best interest." One of the advisers spoke.

"The question is what is he? He emerged from that blue orb. He descended as if he defies the gravity, and to top it all he vanishes in front of the PSGs." The other adviser asked.

As the meeting convenes, an SPG quickly pace towards the President and whispered something.

"He said he wants an audience?" said President.

"Yes, Sir."

The President glanced to his cabinet members and staff, and then glanced back to his guard. "Very well then. I will talk to him. For the meantime, all of you," eyeing the cabinet members and staff "should evacuate first." The President said in all sincerity.

"But Mr President, we know nothing about him and what he could do! Your safety is our top priority, Sir, we need to get you out here first. Sir!" The colonel beseeched. Then he radioed his subordinates as he ordered them to prepare to leave the palace.

"If we are to discover the meaning of this unfathomable event—for the time being, let's oblige. But if the visitor is to harm anyone here in the palace, shoot him on sight, but for now, don't do anything that could spark violence and let me talk to him." The President urged his Colonel as he stood up from his chair behind his old wooden desk, of which observed the history of the palace itself. 

"But, Mr. President..." The Colonel is about to disagree but he was stop midway by the President.

"That's an order. Anyway the meeting is adjourned. The cabinet members are to be escorted out of here safely." The President gestured the staff to stand up and follow the guards, but the people inside the office reluctantly stood as they look at each other.

"A man of integrity indeed . . . " People inside the Presidential study were all shocked as they heard someone is talking and yet they couldn't find where the source of the sound is coming from. The cabinet members and staff nervously surrounded the president, shielding the latter from any harm.

"Colonel, where is he?" The Spokesperson asked. 

The Presidential Securities were all anxious as they put their firearms at the ready, and pointed their guns towards to nothingness searching for the source of the voice.

Most of them were hanging their mouth open as they see bits and pieces of swirling paper-like materials, pieced together like solving a jigsaw puzzle, forming a humanoid shape in front of them, as the figure completes its way, a man in a navy blue suit, wearing an unusual mask adorned in a silver and black symbol continues. . .

"The most popular leader in the continent, the infamous President of the Philippines, with all sincerity, I'm deeply honored, and I apologize for barging in." The masked man said while bowing his head out of courtesy.

As the masked man lifts his head up, he turned and tilted his head towards at the only camera inside of the office, the gesture sent chill up to the cameraman's spine. The President noticed the highly-strung man's reaction and responded hastily to rectify the situation to avoid any misunderstanding.

"I let my cameraman in, to let him take a record of the event, for reference and details . . . If you want privacy, I would be happy to ask the cameraman out of this office along with my staff." The President proposed.

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