Chapter Seventeen- Lapsus Linguae

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Chapter 17

Lapsus Linguae

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Author's POV

Ding Dong, Ding Dong

Ding Dong, Ding Dong

"Who the fuck is that?"

The incessant chiming of the doorbell wakes up the disgruntled professor from his 3-hour sleep, with heavy eyelids, he blinks tiredly and yawns.

"How long I'd been sleeping?" Hunter murmured.

Ding Dong

Hunter reluctantly, stood up from his bed, with his hand on his forehead, relieving the headache as though someone is deliberately squishing his skull, having a massive hangover, full bladder; he staggers towards the LED display to see who's smashing his doorbell.

With his eyes still shut, he blindly touches the button, and from there, a live feed from his camera fixated on his door shows his half-fairy best friend waiting outside, impatiently for him to respond.

"Go away. I'm still sleepy!" Hunter snapped

"Sleepy, my ass! It's already noon. Open the fucking door!" but Arwyn retorted

"Bother someone else, go to Eli and Werner if you must, leave me alone!"

"Moron, it's an emergency!"

In defeat, Hunter sigh as he pressed a button on display, and his doorlock automatically open.

"Tsk, come on in!" Hunter groaned

Hunter heads towards his kitchen to wash his face, to freshen up. He gargles tap water as he looks briefly at his huge clock on his wall. Fuck, it's noon all right

"What took you so long, I thought you'll be at your office by now." Arwyn inquires as he sits on one of the chairs of the dining table.

"I won't work today! That little devil drained every ounce of my energy last night! Wait here, let me pee."

Hunter walked into the washroom,

"Little devil? What do you mean drained your energy? Did you—" Arwyn was cut off when the bathroom door was shut.

The 'little devil' suddenly emerged from Hunter's room, wearing thin boxer shorts without an upper shirt showing his smooth, porcelain skin, leaving Arwyn in awe.

"Ohayou! Arwyn-nii-san, did you sleep well?" still rubbing his eyes, Raz, with a bedhead, walks towards Arwyn, as he fights off sleepiness, smiling gorgeously, he spreads his arms open gesturing Arwyn to hug him.


"What the hell are you doing, shõ-akuma(little devil)?!"

Raz slowly turns his head with glaring eyes at Hunter, who just smacked his head with a fluffy towel. Leaving their audience, Arwyn, stupefied with his mouth agape, thinking, 'What the hell happened with these two last night'?

With one swift movement, Hunter covered Raz's naked body with the towel by rounding his arms on little devil's shoulders,

"Go and take a shower, freshen up, you don't casually hug strangers in the morning, especially without a shirt on, little devil."

Raz huffs and rolls his eyes.

"Don't tell me you're getting jealous again, daddy?"

"What the fuck??!!!" Arwyn blurted

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