Chapter Twenty-Two - Ianus' Flaw

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Chapter 22

Ianus' Flaw

Werner's POV

That lump of meat got me again... Looking at my leg, I'm assuming my bone was broken. I better heal first before Eli sees this, but doing so will be pretty challenging when this horde of annoying humanoids are keeping on being pushy.

"!!!", Huh?, this surge of power, he's fast approaching, and he's pissed off!

...Quite a timing you have there, Hunt? Hehe... Oops! I better save myself then...

I immediately launched myself back at the nearest tree and landed on my functioning leg to stay away at an impending attack. I focus all my energy to regenerate and heal my broken leg. Hmm, he's here, any moment now...

And there it is, a cleaving dark mass bisecting Maxim Dolor's minions as it streaked across the field.

'It's about time, idiot.'

A stunning attack, but that won't cut it, Hunt, that nefarious Nephilim assured that we'll be quite busy.

"Where. Is. Raz!"

I don't know whether I should be relieved or should cringe upon hearing Hunter shouting his lungs out. The human, who detested my sweet moments with my wife Eli several weeks ago, seems to contradict his actions now. Psssh, so impatient and worried. Now, you feel how to be in love, huh...

Rushing to the scene with his scythe, 'The Night Walker', a deadly weapon looking so grand and proud, with its macabre appearance that ready to mutilate every living creature it deems as an enemy. I remember him using it before as well back in Annwn to clear an army as her master uses her to massacre their victims on their path, the scary part of it was, it wasn't complete back then. I wonder how it fares, now that I can feel an enormous amount of energy in it.

[What took you so long Hunt?]

[Werner, how are they?]

[Give me a minute and make them busy for a while, just don't get mobbed, they'll explode upon contact.]


He's really agitated by the fact that Arwyn and Raz are MIA, with him in rage is not a good thing. I must do everything I can to placate him. As I concentrate on healing my injury, a familiar sound came in to contact me telepathically.

{Werner, lure them away from here, preferably at an area, wide enough to strike them all at once.}

{What the hell, Arwyn, where are you? Where's Raz? Are you both okay?}

{We're fine... I'll explain later, just don't let Hunter rampage here; he might use his hidden ability again. We're on the edge of the Speculum. You know what I mean right?}

{Shit, did he use it? When?} Hunter you shit, so you can use it with your scythe as well, huh? Damn, monster!

{When he's fighting Yaxley earlier, in any case, find a parking space or a plain field where the ceiling of Speculum is high enough to cater Hunt's power.}

{On it!}

{Don't tell Hunter, that we're still here, he might not leave the area without Raz. It might ruin my plan if Maxim detects me.}


After talking telepathically with Arwyn, I called El to rendezvous with us. Now that my wound is pretty healed I can run again, talk about regeneration. I heightened my senses, focusing solely on hearing their heartbeats under those rubbles to double-check. But still, no sign of life, I wonder what's preventing me from sensing them.

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