Chapter Eighteen - Dancing with the Devil

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Chapter 18

Dancing with the Devil

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Arwyn cursed himself as he sees Hunter inside the store in an awkward situation, helplessly rejecting the woman that's clinging onto him.

Arwyn felt a menacing aura creeps from his backside. Gulping and in sweats as he can't find a way to explains the situation. The half-fairy, abruptly turn his head to his left shoulder the moment he felt a slender hand placed on it, then he heard a cold, scary, hoarse, emotionless voice, saying his name...


The helpless half-fairy's eyes bore into his idiotic best friend, in queue line inside the cursed convenience store, hoping that his gentleman to a fault best friend will notice that he's in a dire situation as well.


Gulping his saliva in anxiousness, the half-fairy stammers as he replied with his eyes still gazing at his clueless best friend, 'Fuck you, Hunter, you dumb ass!'

"Ye-yes, R-Raz-kun"


Arwyn is beading sweat on his forehead, reluctant to see his ototo, mustered up all the courage he needed to swivel his tense body to face the distraught kid. He altered his panic-stricken face into an innocent and happy one; for he decided to act like he didn't see anything is the best course to spare his life.

"Yes, Raz-kun, my cute otõto?" With his full-blown smile and deadly dimple on display, he was so sure his life would be spared.

"Ahmm, Arwyn-niisan, do you have a pen and paper?"

As if nothing happened, Raz asked his nii-san while smiling radiantly.

The half-fairy expressed puzzlement over Raz's facial reaction; he was so sure that the kid saw Hunter's predicament inside as well. So he tilts his head to discern what going on in his ototo's mind.

"Pen and paper, right?"


The kid still smiling, perhaps he'll just shrug off what happened and laugh it off, Arwyn thought, he reached for his bag inside the car, and fish out his fountain pen and notepad inside.

The kid still smiling, perhaps he'll just shrug off what happened and laugh it off, Arwyn thought, he reached for his bag inside the car, and fish out his fountain pen and notepad inside

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"Here you go. What do you need these for?" Is he going to write a goodbye note and leave us here? Shit, no!

Right at the moment, the half-fairy handed the pen, and the notepad, Raz, smiling face turn into a cold stare as he gazes at the store's entrance.

"You'll see..." without looking, the little devil answered, non-committal,

Arwyn jolted his head to where Raz is looking at, the door entrance, and from there emerged, his tall best-friend and a girl in her late 20s, wearing a deconstructed button up blue-stripe shirt, with just one sleeve on her and the other one hanging below her armpit, tied at the opposite side of her shirt, exposing her upper right chest making her casual look, so seductive and tempting.

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