Chapter Thirteen - Proposition

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Chapter Thirteen


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Hunter's POV

And so, here I am, on the rooftop, waiting for that mysterious crush of mine. The lunch earlier could've been better, but there's always a next time. But that scene inside the washroom, jeez, I was really nervous back then. I thought my heart will explode when I took his hand and put it over my chest. Damn, such a waste of opportunity to say what my intention really is. If it wasn't for that transferee, oops, there he is.

Looking at him as he gets in that ridiculous armored Cadillac. He abruptly stop, as if he's contemplating about something and then he suddenly turns his head to look where I'm at, and I immediately duck to hide,

"Shit! Did he see me? He wouldn't know, right?" that's crazy if he noticed me. Jeez, I'm shaking my head as I smile at the thought. I peek to see if he's still there, but the car already left, on its way to the gate. I stood up properly, and escort him to the gate with my eyes.

Seriously, what's going on with me? The mighty me, head over heels, and being stupid like this? Am I bewitched?

"I admit, I really like that kid. But no one can know!"

"We already did, Hunt." I jumped at the sudden comment, how could I not notice them? This is mortifying, and knowing that voice, I abruptly turn my head to the one who said it, and there they are, Eli and Arwyn.

"So, in love, huh?" Arwyn said smugly, showing his deep dimple.

"Fuck," I said in a defeated voice, I hung my head low as a resignation, knowing that I'll be roasted with questions later.

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"It's been a while, Arwyn, two years? How are you?"

"Cute and smart as always! Now stop the petty 'welcome-back' façade because I'm not buying it. Though I bear good and bad news, let's start with you first." This little grinning devil, he know me so well, I turn to Eli instead

"Let's talk about your progress with Raz, that is if you made any, over a cold beer, Arwyn and I need to unwind so, your treat, okay? Hmm, Welcome back to us? Hahahaha!" I just shook my head at Eli's comment, knowing that I won't win this time. I just smiled at them as I already know where to bring them.

"Okay, okay, I surrender, my treat, but it's true. I miss you both, but you have to tell me this news, okay?" I turn to Arwyn,

"One of the most powerful humans out there, and yet so weak when it comes to love, tsk, you're in deep shit, my friend," Arwyn smirked, showing his deep dimple as he shook his head

"Where to anyway?" Arwyn asked both of us

"To his crush's workplace." Eli babbled and wriggled his brows to me.

This will be a long night.

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Arwyn Oberon Arlan, a half-fairy half-human best friend of mine. Brother of Emrys Arlan, the Ambassador of Arcadia, land of the Fairies. He's older brother Emrys, is a sitting member in the Congress of Sextet Lineage. Arwyn was brought in the human world and introduced him to us when he's only ten years old. The fairies, especially Emrys, supports the co-existence of humans and the Annwns, so there was no discrimination; thus, we became childhood friends. With my other best friend Eli, we grew up together, travelling in and out of Annwn, to study everything about the differences of each world.

We created a research team to study cell enhancements and cell regeneration by fusing ancient magic and science. Unlike what I did with ROSE (Restorative Organelle SErum), what we did has exponentially slow the ageing process of the cell, far more superior in terms of cell regeneration. The key about this research was a Werewolf's cell—a vastly superior of race among other Annwn species in terms of regeneration. Together with the help and support of the Fairies and Werewolves, especially Werner, we reached the height of our experimentation, the peak of our research, MAVIS (Magnum Ars Vitae: Infinitus Surrexerunt [Great Art of Life: Infinite Rose]) and successfully achieved our objectives and goals back then.

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