Chapter Twenty-Five - Juvenile Naiveté

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Chapter Twenty-Five

Juvenile Naiveté

Raziel's POV

It was a devastating defeat in our group. The Tetralogy of Discontinuance which known for its proud, calculated strategies and tactics, was left in baffling defeat. More questions have arisen than being answered. I for one, have my set of inquiries as well. What does the Omen Malum want? Their objectives? Were they here just to kill people? Eradicate thousands just to satiate their thirst for blood? Or there's something else? Though they were defeated, aah, scratch that, there are more pressing matters than the heinous group Omen Malum. There's this unknown masked men group that is far more powerful and capable than them. Who are they? Their team leader said that they're watching silently, so, are they near us? In disguise?

They told us what they want, but would the Congress accept such preposterous proposition? And to add salt to the injury, the Tetralogy took the deal because of my welfare. Will the Bullet of Emancipation allow such behaviour, an agreement without their knowledge, without having to consult her first? She has a reputation for being an unforgiving and just leader; feared by those delinquents Annwns, and revered to be a force not to be reckoned with by the BoA. Will she listen to us?

"Little devil!" I was pulled out of my deep thought when Hunter-san shook my arm and called me by my nickname, which he casually tagged me with. Not that I dislike it, somehow it suits me, my deceptive demeanour. I chuckled as I look at him, with concerned eyes staring at mine.

"What? I was just thinking..."

"We told you, we'll handle the Congress, don't think about the repercussions, you're an innocent bystander here." I sighed at his statement. They are taking the situation nonchalantly, was this because of Arwyn-nii-san's healing ability? It replenished our energy and took out all the battle fatigue from them made them think they had a way out of their predicament.

"Seriously Hunter-san... I was the one who decided on your group regarding your mission. I should be—"

"You did that because it was the only option, and we agreed to it whole-heartedly." He ruffled my hair and smiled bitterly. He's still hurting because of their defeat. It must be a foreign feeling to him. I shot a glance at Eli-san and Werner-san, and I see the same expression.

"I'm a seating member of the Congress, Raz. I assure you that none of what transpired in accordance with our deal with Iren will be disclosed. I'm saying this as an official member of the Congress of the Sextet Lineage. Rest assured that your name won't be dragged in our predicaments." Werner-san said then he lifted his mug of beer, gesturing a cheer and grinned at me.

"You're so cool, Werner-san, and thank you for the assurance. But hear me as well that treating the situation nonchalantly will have a great impact on your group's relationship with the Congress, worst, the Tetralogy will be dissolved under the indictment of your mother, Hunter-san..."

"I'm much cooler, Raz-kun, a thing called a white lie, is the simplest way to hide everything. We'll just tell the Congress that the clues we're destroyed to smithereens while fighting the Omen Malum, and that's it!" Winking and smiling at me, Eli-san casually stated his piece, and took his mug of beer and clinks it with Werner-san's.

I sighed and shook my head at their composed behaviour. Good thing we're under Arwyn's barrier again; too much information shouldn't be discussed out in the open, furthermore over beer. Then Arwyn-nii walked in, with a tray of french fries and Ebi Tempura(Shrimp Tempura) adding to the two boxes of pizza as a side dish for the beer. After placing the plate on the table, I scoot over a little and gestured Arwyn-nii to sit beside me. He's blaming himself because of what happened, but we all coaxed him and told him he did nothing but helped us.

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