Chapter Twenty-Six - Murasakino's Estate

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Chapter 26

Murasakino's Estate

Raziel's POV

"Please prepare everything, Aunt Genka."

"Master Raziel, though your grandfather will permit everything, we're talking about exposing our own culture here."

"I know Aunt Genka, but the situation calls for it. I'll just put them under oath, my own form of NDA..."

"As you wish..."

"Aunt Genka..." They're really anxious about this, though I can't shrug off the fact that I'm exposing our own secret to the Tetralogy. This might reveal not only mine but my family's identity as well.

"I'm maybe seventy years old and may have gone senile young master, but I just can't ignore the fact that you're skirting danger, moreover, embracing it. I pale in comparison when it comes to your wisdom, but--"

"Aunt Genka, I know what you're insinuating, but as I said, I'm just taking responsibility..."

"Sometimes young master, this transcendent kindness of yours will be the death of me... Very well, I'll prepare everything... but I warn you, if they, one bit overstep their boundaries, I'll remove them all immediately out of this island."

"You're really scary, Aunty!"

"You know what my job entails Master Raziel, and so I shall! Could you send my regards to Reina, young master... tell that idiot granddaughter of mine that I want grandchildren before I die."

"Oh my god, she'll kill me before I get there if I touch that subject!"

"Oh, shush! I can say the same thing to you; you're both stubborn to a fault... Have a nice day Young Master..."

"Haha, I love you, Aunt Genka... Have a nice day!"

That's one hurdle down. She's very strict and stern when it comes to our family's security and secrecy; for 55 years, she managed the staff and supervised everything and everyone on the island. Strength and power aside, with her age and authority, no one on the island could go against her. Even the current 'Instructor,' the head of the military power on the island is pretty much intimidated by her. Much like Lady Reina's, but the latter will be the most difficult to handle. She'll breakdown every piece of information she could get from the Tetralogy for analysis before letting them in on the island.

I sit on my comfiest high-back office chair overlooking at the majestic scenery of Kyoto City never fails to relieve my stress. The most picturesque scene one could have while working at home. I love my office. Who would want a building when you have such working place? Moving on, what's taking them so long? It's twenty-five past five in the evening,  I told them that I have to orient them before meeting Lady Reina... She'll eat them alive, although it would be humorous and entertaining to see them intimidated by a 167cm woman, especially Hunter-san, I must hold back my devious behavior first.

"Master Raz..."

I swivel my chair and look at the source of the familiar voice... Our head butler in this mansion, Hanzo-san.

"Hanzo-san, what is it..."

"Master... Bernard called and told me that your friends are in the receiving area, undergoing security protocol as we speak."

"They are the Tetralogy of Discontinuance, so what's the point? Bernard is just being extra today, Hanzo-san..."

"I had the same thought, but with his behavior, sometimes he does this because he wants to know something..."

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