Chapter Five - Claire De Lune(Moonlight)

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Chapter Five

Claire De Lune(Moonlight)

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Somewhere above the Yellow Sea

Sea of clouds greets Hunter Ryuusei as he finds himself freefalling at the speed of 200km/hr, 14000 feet above the earth. The crescent moon that supposed to serve as a street lamp to illuminates the night sky pales in comparison under the crimson light of the foreboding mark in the sky. Remembering the first time he skydived, he spreads his limbs for air resistance for balance as he searches for the masked man. Not having goggles this time makes the situation for him unfavorable, so he flipped his body, facing upward to search again as he rests his eyes. The sensation of icy water on his body made him realized he's passing through clouds and made him shiver for a bit, but not seeing the masked man made Hunter panic. Flipping his body again stomach facing down and lowering his legs puts him on track, a technique he learned to let him slow down his descent like stepping on a brake pedal. After the cloud cleared in an altitude of 7 thousand feet, he's starting to see the city light, but at the same time, he's beginning to feel nervous.

"Where the fuck is that masked man, shit, I'm gonna die not even having a scratch on that freaky mask. I swear if I live, I'm gonna find him and break that mask he's so proud of. FUCK!!" Ryuusei curses whilst searching for the masked man, then he suddenly felt slowly descending and eventually suspended in the air. Stunned, as he feels like he's on an invisible floor, he lies on his stomach, and cautiously search for a solid material to stable himself. With a hunch of what's happening, he searches for the culprit but abruptly turns his head to the source of the voice.

"Ha Ha Ha, what did my mask do to you? You're about to die, yet all you could think of is to destroy this innocent mask just to get even? Ha, Ha, Ha! So cute! I'm beginning to like your simplemindedness! Ha Ha Ha!" von Raksha said while sitting on an invisible platform beside Hunter clutching his stomach and laughing out loud.

Hunter slowly sits touching what he can hold on to, something tangible, not peeling his gaze at the masked man. He mirrors the masked man's position for precaution. "With all the things you can do, why need a mask? For privacy?" He said in disgust.

"Hmmm. I don't know. My turn to ask, why did you follow me? You grabbed onto me while I'm traveling, thinking you could stop me or delay me on doing my job or something? You're quite bold young man, I commend you for that." von Raksha produces a small orb of light between them that serves as a candle in the middle of the darkness in the sky.

"You have five minutes impulsive boy. You can do whatever you want for a limited time. It will be futile to attack me, you should learn from experience. And I advise making the most out of it. The timer starts now cute."

"Don't call me cute, if I didn't know any better, I'm starting to think that you're flirting with me. Stop the notion, or I'm gonna punch your teeth in. Who the hell are you and what you did back there, what was that?" Hunter started to inquire out of frustration, gritting his teeth while he clenches his fists.

"Wow, I take it back, so full of yourself, aren't ya kid? As I've said, I think I like you. You're bravery is admirable, and about the flirting, mundane activities, such as that is a luxury for me. I'm Iudex von Raksha, Arbiter of Creation, and what I did back there was the Auctorem Retributio, it happened before, what history told you all as "Divine Retribution"...

...Humankind would eventually undergo for sooner or later, well for China will be in five minutes or so."

"You know I have to stop you and will do everything not to let you do that!" Pouncing Raksha without warning, Hunter straddled on von Raksha's stomach so he can't move. Strangling him with his left hand and about to stab von Raksha's mask with a black dagger, he generated from his hand.

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