Chapter Twenty - Speculum

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Chapter 20


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Author's POV

The exasperated Nephilim flew to his position, stood on an invisible plank, produced different layers of shields around him as he drew invisible lines in the air, and recited "Incipere."

He is opening his arms wide after the complicated weaving of signs, overlooking at the town where four pillars of charcoal light were situated; at different key-points of the topographical features of Kyoto city. A grim aura of black and ash pulsates from the five main components while Maxim took a considerable amount of air, held it in, and a noticeable transparent crimson bubble appeared in front of him. Accumulating sufficient energy for the ritual as he waits for the last pillar to activate, he spoke his first spell.

Fulminare quatinus (fulmination)

... those four pillars stopped pulsating, and a thin red line encircled the city where the talismans that were placed around the Kyoto area connects like a constellation.

By the time that all those talismans were connected, the last pillar was reactivated, and this made Maxim plastered a sinister smile on his face, quickly reciting the remaining spells to activate his grand spell, he continues.

prioris apparatum (shrivelling armament)

oxygeni mori (dying oxygen)

robiginem de morte (blight of death)

Those five pillars shot up black wind to the sky and made the ground grumble in tremor.

"Now perish lowly creatures, burn as I evaporate your flesh off, leaving your filthy bones behind, as you march to your demise."

"lucidity— when he was about to utter the last spell, a loud bang was produced on his right side, his impenetrable shield reacted, and Maxim Dolor turned his head unimpressed, to see his assailant. His eyebrow twitches, when he saw who his attacker was

"If it isn't the Silverbeam of Tranquility..." Maxim smirked as he gazed to Werner's fist on his impenetrable barrier

"Maxim Dolor, The Mad Alchemist of Baltia, you can go to hell..." Werner punched once more through the shield but failed again. This one is tough.

"That would be lovely, but tell me mongrel, can you reach me?" Maxim Dolor flicked his fingers and cast,


Binding Werner's arms with rings of light, leaving the werewolf tied but still calm as he stares at the alchemist as he falls rapidly. Free falling while still tied, the beast keeps his attention at the airborne enemy as he anticipates the mad man's next move. When he reached the ground, landing on his feet without difficulty, he shattered the light binding effortlessly and crouched, flexing his thigh muscles until his veins bulged, then like a rocket he launched himself towards Maxim as if pouncing an unknowing prey in the wilderness. He contracted his arm to blow the barrier with his mighty fist, but in a split second he saw Maxim leering at him, and through his peripheral vision he saw an incoming figure about to hit him. His eyes turned silver to heighten his senses, recognizing a potent attack about to hit him, he releases half of his power, and then he flexed his arms, shifting to defend himself. Mordred, the bulky, oversized daemon came out of nowhere punching the werewolf to the ground.

A forceful blow hit his strengthened deltoid muscles, forcing him to the ground rapidly. Mordred followed his enemy hastily but sensed that something about to hit him and dodged. A rocket grenade was propelled towards him but missed, his attention has diverted as he turns his head and searched where it came from. The werewolf crashed on the several trees on the ground slowing his momentum. When the force dissipates, he didn't waste any seconds, launched himself towards the daemon and begins to counter-attack Mordred by clawing the air in front of him, swiftly releasing concentrated energy, producing a ripping invisible force towards the daemon.

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