Chapter Nine - Smell of Desire

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Chapter Nine

Smell of Desire

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Hunter's POV

Who was that? It should be illegal to have such a beautiful face, is he really a guy? Eli snapped his fingers in front of my face pulling me out of my train of thoughts.

"You're upset with me, remember? Was it love at first sight? Am I right?" with a smirk on his face, it's bright as a day that he's mocking me. I'm pretty sure he planned all this.

"We'll talk about this over beer tonight. You have some explaining to do, both of you traitors." Rolling my eyes at both of them as I said what's on my mind. I couldn't help it, so I turn my head towards Raz's stall to have a better look at him while he works.

"May I remind you that we'll be at KCUA for the exhibit? Werner will be there too to meet Jiji. And stop looking at the poor kid! Anyone would know that you were drooling over that boy!"

"Yeah, we'll be there. You know him, right? Who is he?" as I question him still looking at Raz's busying himself.

"You'll hurt your neck Hunt, tsk tsk. I just met him today I really don't know him. I can see that you're smitten, but tough luck dude, I'm sure you're not the only with the same intention towards him. Didn't you think he might already have a lover? With that beauty, any guy or girl would offer their heart at his feet."

Damn, I hope he doesn't have one. Ehh? What the hell is wrong with me? I'm fucking sure that I'm straight! But, that boy... Is this love at first sight?

"Shut up, El. We'll head here tonight after the exhibit. It's pretty cozy here to unwind, so we'll talk about your betrayal my friend over a beer tonight here. You okay with that, Werner?" I demanded as I emphasized where we'll be going. Even a fucking kid would know that I'm fucking obvious. Tsk

"As Eli's childhood friend, I respect you, we owe you an explanation, but I'm fine with any of his decision. If fine with my Eli, I'm good as well, and don't act cool coz' you're fucking obvious, my friend." Smirking as he said, then he looked to my best friend as if he is the only man in this park with seriousness while rubbing Eli's back, expressing his undeniable love.

"Okay, okay, so stop blushing Eli. You look like a highschooler having his first crush! Damn it!" he's hopeless

"When did I blush moron? It is you that's having his first crush." Eli snorted and continued,

"And may I remind you, he's my fiancé, so stop acting like my father Hunter, or are you jealous that I already have someone and leaving you without a partner? Aww, don't be I'll be just here brother I won't leave your side. . ." this fucking brat is mocking me.

"Jealous my ass!" I already found the one I want to be with for the rest of my life. I turn my attention again to the beautiful kid at the stall. Oops, can he do that all by himself, we did order a lot? I have to assist him with those food trays. This is purely out of kindness, Hunter, right? Who am I kidding?

"Hey, where are you going?" Eli asked as I stood up to help Raz

"You two just stay there and flirt with each other." I furrowed my brows when they grinned at me. Seriously, these two...

Walking towards Raz, I can see that he's putting the bento boxes on the tray, jeez how can he manage to do that with that small body of his. Wait for me baby! Your future husband is here to help.

Upon reaching the stall, I put both of my hands on his shoulder, startling him. "Let me help you with those, Raz, please."

"Oh, Sir, you startled me, but what about Sir Eli and Sir Werner?" He peeks behind me to see the two idiots waiting at the table.

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