Chapter Twenty- Four - Masked Men

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Masked Men

Arwyn's POV

Gulping with what I just witnessed was the only thing I could do. All my life, I have yet to see such a display of mysterious power, until Raz's. He easily defeated a powerful Omen Malum member, with just a few punches, and a sealing technique of which I know nothing about.

What does this mean? Should I consult my brother regarding this enigma or should I ask Raz first...?

"Raz, what happened to Maxim?" that's not a proper question, Werner, we all saw him get sealed.

The kid grins, snap his fingers, then the crystal appeared in front of us.

"What do you want to do with this now? He's inside, suspended. Hunter-san wanna break it?" Hunter didn't reply, to him, there's something far more important to do. And that is to talk to Razrounds about them.

"Will he be able to escape?" Eli asked.

"Nope, not possible, as long as I'm alive. No spell or abilities could contact him either as long he's sealed inside. If you don't wanna break it, I will."

"What will happen then?" This time I can't hold back my curiosity, I have to ask.

"He will cease to exist... But I'd made sure that his soul can't be summoned, I believe there's a spell to invoke the spirit of the dead, right nii-san?"

"Ahh, mmm.. yeah..." I'm still perplexed, that was the only thing I could say. How did he know high-tier forbidden magic? Only a handful of Annwns could do such ritual. It's forbidden because of its requirements.

"Let's break it then!" Werner and Eli both concurred.

"Shouldn't we interrogate him first before killing him?" Gathering information from them could give us a lot. But I doubt that The Mad Alchemist of Baltia would tell us anything.

"I don't think so... It wasn't our job to investigate about them, nor eradicate their group. First thing's first, we need to focus on our main objective and that is to find the artifact." Hunter conferred, and he was right. We don't know what the Omen Malum main goal is, but something is certain, Raz is a very powerful ally and could help us tremendously in our quest.

"Okay, for the meantime. I'll keep this crystal, we could ask him about all of these in the future, but guys, there's something you must know..." Raz stated and we all look at him in confusion, then he continued.

"Wait!" They all looked at me and waited. I inhale, as I slowly spread my arms, enveloping us with warm and soothing magic.

"Come out, and embrace us with your warm love, Sprite's Balm!" A small viridescent ball slowly appears in front of us, and from there, a small fairy emerges and flies around us, leaving trails of sparkling powder. As soon as the fairy completed her path, a three-meter tall wall of light surrounds us instantly and starts to work its magic.

"Arce Nymphae!"

"The fight worn us all out, so we need to heal and recover our energy... You can continue now, Raz." My Fairy Castle slowly replenishes the energy that we lost during the battle as if a ton of weight has been removed from our body. The spell makes us all feel light as a feather, relieving our battle fatigue along with Sprite's Balm spell, to heal us.

"Thank you, Arwyn-nii." Raz, thanked me and the others followed-suit. Raz sits on the ground like what he did before while we wait in the mountain and play again with the fairy as he continues his narrative,

"You see the previous dimensional fissure that my adorable suitor made?" Hunter put a small smile in his face, evident that he's happy that he's acknowledged. We all look up above and then frown in confusion.

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