Epilogue 2

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I wasn't sure what to expect when I put the key card into the door. I knew what the room would look like. I knew Jennie would think it was beautiful. I knew there was an enormous bed waiting to be soiled. What I didn't know was if I'd get the chance to use it the way I wished.

"Wow, Lisa." Jennie stepped inside and put her purse on the coffee table. "You certainly know how to make an impression. First the car, now the room."

I shrugged from the foyer.

"The car's rented. Technically, so is the room. I have good taste though; no one can deny me that."

"No, I guess they can't." She wandered to the curtains and pulled them back. It seemed to be a clear indication she didn't trust me.

I took the insult as best I could. How insulted did I really have a right to be? I knew she believed the hotel to be a secure place to meet. All she'd have to do was scream and someone would probably hear us. Of course, the key word there was probably. I was tempted to remind her that if I were so inclined, she wouldn't even get to scream. However, I figured it wasn't in my best interest to point such things out to her.

I walked into the living area and made myself comfortable on the sofa. I wanted to get the preliminaries out of the way as soon as possible and get back to more pleasurable pursuits.

In the meantime, I watched Jennie. Always inquisitive, my Jennie, a curious little kitten. I eyed her from my seat as she ran her long fingers along the furniture, the drapes, and the Tiffany lamp on the desk.

"Jennie." She focused on me. Her nerves were obvious. "Come sit with me."

She shook her head slightly.

"I'm not sure that's such a good idea."

I rested my head on my fist. I stared. On this point there would be no discussion. I'd made my request clear and I expected her to acquiesce. I wasn't going to argue moot points. I took great pleasure in exerting my dominance. It was fun watching her squirm.

Taking my bait, Jennie filled the silence.

"Lisa... come on. You know the second I go over there you're just going to pounce on me." She was biting her lip again, her fingers nervously tugging on it. "Lisa? Are you even going to say anything? Oh, okay, so you're just going to sit over there, looking all 'you know you want me'? I'm not scared of you, Lisa." She crossed her arms over her chest and tried her best to look intimidating. "I have pepper spray in my purse!"

I couldn't help it. I burst into laughter.

"Oh my god, you're such a jerk," she said, scrunching up her nose. She walked toward me and unceremoniously plopped onto the sofa. "Fine! I'm here."

I was still holding my stomach when my laughter finally subsided and I could make eye contact without starting up again.

"I'm sorry, Jennie, I really am. You're killing me. Pepper spray? I've tracked you all over the world and that's what's going to stop me—pepper spray."

Jennie's wide grin was my reward for all the slaps and insults she'd thrown my way during the course of the evening.

"Well, maybe it wouldn't stop you. It would still be fun to watch you roll around on the ground crying for a while." She shrugged. "It might still be fun."

We laughed for little while, diffusing all the tension. I felt completely at ease by the time we were done laughing and I knew Jennie did too. Her shoulders had dropped. Her fingers had stopped fidgeting.

"I missed you, Lisa."

"I missed you, Jennie."

Jennie took off her heels and set them beside the sofa. As she pressed her toes into the carpet and grabbed at the thick fibers, she smiled at me. She sat up straight, bending her knees so she could sit on her feet. It was a relaxed and casual pose. It was a good sign for things to come.

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