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"Do you know where you're going?"

"No." Odin stood with his hands clutching onto two plastic bags with his clothes and a small wad of cash inside it. He was smiling easily at the small family in front of him. He closed his eyes momentarily as he let the whispers of the wind and the Gods call to him. "My dear wife, Frigga, will be the one to lead me to where I will go."

"Are you sure you have to go?" Raleigh asked. He hadn't known Odin for very long, only for a few months, but he had bonded with the man who was his grandfather. It was upsetting seeing him leaving, especially with the knowledge that his time was running short.

"I'm afraid so." Odin smiled sadly at his grandson and put a gentle hand on his shoulder. "I do have a request for you upon my departure." He stopped and lifted his head as if he was listening to someone speak to him. "My sons will be looking for me in two months from this day at Shady Acres Care Home at this time."

Odin looked to Raleigh to see if he was understanding everything he had said. Even though he was confused, he nodded, engraving the words into his head.

"I need you to meet with my sons and explain to them where I have gone." Odin squeezed his grandson's shoulder. "I will be waiting for them."

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