BSM #2: Niall (15): The First Cut (Part 2)

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Part 2
The day after, Niall watched you the whole day, and cancelled any plans he had. He wouldn't even let the boys come over to see you, but you kind of missed them as well. He promised you he wouldn't tell mom; worried if he did, you would do something stupid and impulsive. And nobody wanted that.

The morning after Niall coddling you for a day, he had a meeting he couldn't miss with the record label and the boys. He made sure he got rid of all the razors, and he wouldn't leave until you promised him for the hundredth time you wouldn't do it again.

Honestly, you wouldn't do it again. It wasn't worth it. So you spent the day on the couch again, getting texts from Niall asking how you were doing every 10 minutes. Around noon, you decided to make lunch: just a salad with chicken Niall had already cut up for you. He had all the vegetables cut up too, but he forgot one thing: the lettuce.

You could cut it up yourself though, mom had taught you how to cook for a couple years now. You got out the small steak knife Niall left you with for emergencies only, but used it to cut up the lettuce anyway. You started chopping until you felt something weird on your wrist, looked down, and saw blood.

This felt a lot different from the cut two days ago, and it wouldn't stop bleeding no matter what you tried. And it hurt like hell. You were scared now and went to call Niall.

"Hey sunshine, what's up?" Niall asked into the phone. "N-Niall?" You said shakily, starting to cry. "What happened? What's wrong?" He asked rapidly. "I-uhh was cutting lettuce for a salad and uhh the knife accidentally cut my wrist." You said shakily. "I'm in a meeting but I'll be home as soon as possible, okay?" He said, not realizing the severity of the cut. "Yeah but Niall" you paused, "the bleeding won't stop and it hurts" you groaned into the phone, obviously in pain. You heard Niall mutter something to someone next to him and he hung up abruptly.

You sat there, clutching your wrist until Niall got home, apply towel after towel to stop the blood. Because of the blood loss, it was getting hard to stay awake, but you had to wait for Niall.

"Y/N?" You heard Niall shout as he opened the door, looking down on the floor, seeing you in pain. He tried to hold back his tears, and he examined the cut before picking you up bridal style and taking you out to the car. "Where are we going bubby?" You asked him. "You've lost a lot of blood so I'm gonna take you to hospital, alright?" He said shakily.

He placed you in the passenger seat and ran around the front seat after helping you with your seat belt. He turned the car on and before driving away he turned to you with a large towel. "Alright sunshine, I'm going to apply this to your wrist with a lot of pressure while we drive okay?" He said. You nodded in response. He placed the towel down on your wrist and then applied pressure. You winced back in pain and Niall leaned over to kiss your forehead signaling it would be okay before driving to the hospital with one hand on the steering wheel, the other on your wrist. At some point in the short drive you couldn't take it anymore and things went dark as you blacked out.

"Y/N" you heard Niall shout. You slowly opened your eyes and saw him crying as he drove, constantly looking back at you. "Niall.." you said drowsily. "I need you to stay awake until we get to the hospital okay?" He said, starting to calm down. "Okay" you said and you started to hum songs to yourself as Niall drove. He sang along with you, and before you knew it you were at the hospital.

Niall finally stopped applying pressure to your wrist as he had to get out of the car to pick you up. He carried you again, looking at how you were still losing a lot of blood. He started to jog slightly as he got in the hospital and walked up to the front desk as a nurse called someone on the intercom, looking frightened seeing your wrist. "Niall?" You asked, starting to cry again. "Yes sunshine?" He said concernedly. "I'm- im scared." You broke out in tears. "You'll be okay. Just stay awake for me, okay?" He said and you nodded, as he put you down on a hospital bed, and the doctor said you could finally fall asleep, so you did.

799 Words.

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