BSM #18: Louis (16): Football

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Louis was always running around singing and playing football while you were growing up in his shadow, four years younger than him, second oldest in the Tomlinson family. He was always amazing at playing and you were okay, but you played on your own constantly, and no one really knew.


"Fwippp" the noise cut across your ears as you heard the football hit the net. It was 6 in the morning and you had gotten up early to practice a little on your own before the game. You were the right defender most of the time, but occasionally your coach would put you in as goalie. You hated being goalie though. You always felt like you were letting your team down if you let a goal in.

"Fwippp" the ball hit the net again. What if he made you goalie today?

"Nice one" a voice said behind you, and suddenly your thoughts were interrupted. You turned around to see your older brother, Louis, standing behind you about 20 meters back. You ran towards him and he opened his arms for a hug. You graciously went between his arms and stood there for a few seconds before letting go.

"I can't believe you're here Lou! Why though?" You asked, still in partial shock.

"Well I wanted to see my favorite sister play football. What's so wrong with that?" He said, grinning from ear to ear.

"Favorite sister!" You exclaimed in disbelief.

"You better not tell the others y/n, I swear" he said, realizing what he'd just said.

"I won't, don't have a fit about it Tommo," you chuckled, "Anyways, it's just a secondary school (high school) football game. It's really not all that important."

"Not all that important, huh? Well I think it's pretty important, cause I wanna see how well you've gotten since I've last seen you" he said, smirking.

"Whatever, Louis."


It was time for your game, and Louis drove you to the field, as your mothers and sisters were unable to come.

"You excited?" he asked as the radio played softly in the background.

"I guess, I'm a little nervous though." You shrugged.

"Don't be, love. You've got this." He said while patting your knee with one hand as he drove with the other.

You arrived at the field and you started warming up with your teammates and Louis went to the side by the parents and sat, watching you. Warming up and playing around a little bit helped calm your nerves and you started to become excited to play. That was all about to change though.

"Tomlinson? Over here please." You heard your coach shout from the side bleacher where he was standing. You jogged over to him and looked up at him, curious as to what he was going to say.

"Since Julie's not here, I'm going to need you to be goalie today, okay?" he said.

"Okay." You said quietly while nodding before running off, disappointed.

"Oi! Y/n, come here." You heard Louis call out.

"What's wrong love, you look sad now" he said as you approached him.

"I have to be goalie today, and I don't really like that. I'm rubbish at it, if I'm being honest" you said, looking down at the ground.

"Hey, look at me," he said as you raised your eyes up, "you're gonna go out there and play your best, doesn't matter if you're rubbish or not, even though you aren't. And playing your best is all you can do. So go out there and get it done."


The first half was already over and you hadn't let any goals in somehow. Your team also scored a goal, so you were up 1-0 which was pretty impressive. You just had to get through this second half the same way you did the first, and you'd be golden.

The whistle blew and it was time for you to head back to your goal. You dug your feet into the ground, and watched carefully and closely as your teammates passed the ball around on the other side of the field.

Suddenly, they lost the ball. The other team had it. They were heading towards you. It was all happening far too fast for you to keep up with it. And then you felt it. A sharp, throbbing pain hit your head from the ball out of nowhere, and you fell to the ground.


"Y/n! Y/n! Please get up!" You heard a voice plead and you slowly opened your eyes.

"Louis?" You asked as your eyes slowly made out the figure in front of you.

"Yeah love its me. He said, slightly relieved. You reached a hand up to your head, and felt something warm. You brought your fingers in front of you to see blood on them. Your blood. From you head.

"Am I'm going to be okay?" You asked, concerned, as your head throbbed.

"Yeah, love, we've just got to get you to A&E now. I've already called an ambulance." He said as you heard sirens get louder and louder until they stopped completely. The ambulance people came over to inspect your head before bringing out a stretcher and putting you on it. Louis held you hand until they put you under for surgery to sew up your head.

And one of the first things you heard him say after waking up from surgery, "You really are bloody rubbish at being a goalie, aren't you?"

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