BSM #27: Harry (16): Not Good Enough

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A/N: In this imagine, you're a soccer/football player, just so you know. Also you live with Harry in London for school.

1038 Words.

It was the last practice of this session, and today people were going to be told who got into the elite practice group and who was just in the general group. You really had hoped you were going to be in the elite group.

You had worked your ass off all session, to say the least, and probably put in the most work out of anyone on the team. You were the only one who ever showed up to conditioning, and you showed up to every single conditioning and worked out on your own at home. You really wanted to get better. You showed up to every single practice with every intention of getting better and you tried your hardest even when you were working on things you weren't super good at. As a goalie, it's not that you weren't a good field player, you just were a lot better in the goal box.

You were at one end of the field with some people, and there were other people at the other end, including some of your friends. The coaches walked down to the other end and you spotted them talking to your friend, which you didn't think much of until you heard what they were talking about.

"So do you want to come to the elite practices?" Your coach asked your friend.

"Yeah, I wouldn't mind it."

"Cool. Sara is gonna be there too." Your coach said to your friend. Sara was really good at football, don't get me wrong, but she didn't play much in the off-season and was always complaining. In fact, she hadn't played in six months. And she got in the elite practice. Your friend did too, but she puts in the time and effort, so it made more sense.

Practice went on and still, your coaches said nothing to you. Practice came to a close and they said nothing to you. They said nothing to you. Nothing. And it hurt.

You had been working your ass off for so long and didn't get invited to the elite group. And then Sara did, who doesn't put any time into the sport. Did your coaches really think you weren't good enough?

You weren't good enough.


You drove home in tears, even though you were playing happy music in an attempt to cheer yourself up.

"Don't cry. Don't cry. Don't cry. Don't cry." You repeated to yourself the whole way home, but it didn't matter, you were crying. You weren't just crying, you were full on sobbing.

When you got home, you composed yourself enough so you weren't crying anymore, but it was obvious that you had. Your eyes were red, puffy, and swollen, and there was no way to hide it in the next few minutes.
So you walked inside, knowing Harry was gonna ask you how practice was, see your eyes, then get all sympathetic and you were gonna break down in tears.

You opened the door slowly and went inside, hoping Harry was in a different room so you wouldn't have to see him. But he was waiting for you.

"How my new elite practice football player?" He said way too cheerfully for the state you were currently in. You looked up at him and saw his expression change from gleeful to sad and sympathetic all in a matter of seconds. Just like you knew it would.

"Oh love, I'm—" he started to say, but you couldn't hear the rest as you started to cry. Harry got up and walked over to you, taking off your football bag before giving you the biggest hug ever. His hand rubbed circles around your back as you shook in his arms. You stayed like that for probably 3 minutes before you calmed down and left his arms.

"I didn't make it into the elite practices. I wasn't good enough." You said through tears.

"Don't say that, you're the best football player I know. You work so hard and are extremely dedicated. Stop putting yourself down. I bet you it's just those annoying boys in the elite practices so at least you won't have to see them, y/n." He whispered as he wiped a teardrop from your cheek.

"It's not just the boys." You said and then you told him about how your friend was invited and so was Sara. And before you knew it, you were crying again.

He hugged you for two minutes this time and when there was no signs of you feeling any happier, he silently picked you up and moved into the living room. He set you down on a couch for a second and kissed your forehead before going to get some blankets. He sat down next to you and wrapped you in the blankets before putting something in the VHS player, which you were unsure as to why he still had a VHS player. The screen then grew bright and you saw a smaller version of yourself running around and playing football with Harry and Gemma.

"GOAL!!!!!" Harry shouted as little you kicked the ball into the goal. You were probably around six at the time as it was just before Harry's X-Factor audition. The footage kept going and you saw little you playing football and making goals all the time, even if Harry and Gemma made it really easy for you to win. After a while, the tape clicked off and Harry took the tape out before putting it away and sitting down next to you. You were no longer crying.

"You have always been the best football player I know. It doesn't matter if you aren't in the elite practice cause you'll try your hardest no matter where you are. I know you will. And somewhere deep down I know that you know that too, y/n."

"Thanks bub." You said, your voice still weak.

"Of course. I'll do anything to make you happy, I promise." He said, and you two had a great time just sitting on the couch and watching movies for the rest of the night.

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