BSM #13: Liam (15): Lonely

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One Direction had taken off. You supported Liam when he went on the X-Factor both times, but when One Direction kept getting further and further in the show, you realized that he could actually be a "star" one day. You always knew his voice was amazing, better than some of the current popular artists, but you were surprised at the growing fan base One Direction already had. And they had only been on the X-Factor a handful of times.

Before you knew it, it was the day of the final show. And everyone was nervous. You intensely watched the television at home; you couldn't go with your parents to see Liam in person because of your job. So you watched at home instead. You were sure they were going to win, they had to have won. They were the best act there by far.

And then they got third.

You couldn't believe it. No one could.

They were smiling when they gave their farewell and all that, but you could see through Liam's eyes. You could tell he was broken. You were especially close with Liam, you were almost the same age. But he always treated you like you were 5 years younger.

He and the boys were in the process of making their first album and you had heard a couple of the tracks; you knew it was going to be a hit. And then What Makes You Beautiful was released. And it went everywhere.

The Up All Night tour wasn't huge, and you didn't get to see Liam for 2 or 3 week periods at a time, so it wasn't horrible. You still missed him and all that, but it wasn't unbearable.

During that tour and after it, One Direction seemed to gain popularity indefinitely. Millions of listens, on nearly every radio station that played music. What Makes You Beautiful was such a hit and the world discovered other songs like One Thing and Moments, and they started to gain popularity as well.

This whole boyband thing was going really well so the boys decided to make another album, Take Me Home. Before they released it, Liam was really clingy, and always made sure you knew he was there for you, which slightly concerned you.

"Why are so clingy lately, Li?" You asked on one of the rare days when Liam was home.

He looked up at you before muttering, "Well, y/n, this tour is getting a lot bigger and mum and dad said you can't come that often so...I'll probably be gone for a couple months at a time."

Your eyes fell down and looked at your feet. How could you be so stupid? He was leaving you and wanted to make the goodbye a little easier. He was making it all that much harder.

"Oh." was all you could seem to muster out.

The days flew by, and before you knew it Liam was leaving for tour. The first length of time you weren't going to see him was going to be the longest of the whole tour: 3 months. And you had been telling yourself you'd be fine, but now that the day is actually here, you're not so sure.

In the morning, you walked down to see Liam making you breakfast in the kitchen, some toast and eggs.

"Mum and Dad went out for breakfast, so it's just you and me." He said as you stared up at him, knowing it was the last morning for a while. You could say anything back, it was too hard, so you just ran into his arms and cried. You guys were so close and you couldn't believe he was leaving you.

That day sucked. After breakfast, you helped Liam pack some more and your parents came home. And before you knew it, it was time to go to the airport and see Liam off. Throughout the whole car ride, you were just imagining what you were going to do for three months without your big brother, your best friend.

And you got to the airport. Your dad and Liam had the classic father-son, no emotion hug. Your mom cried a little as she hugged Liam, and Liam reassured her that everything would be fine. He then moved on to where you were standing, and you couldn't take it. You ran into his arms, hoping that moment would last forever.

You cried into his shirt for at least a minute, and Liam started to tear up too. He just hugged you in silence, knowing nothing he could do except hug you would make you feel better.

The hug ended.

And Liam left.

But he did his best to make sure you weren't lonely for the next three months.

796 Words.

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