BSM #19: Harry (16): All Alone

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Trigger Warning: This chapter contains mentions of suicide and references to self harm. Read at your own risk💓.

1150 Words

G/n: name of a girl who end up "hurting" you in the end

"Bringggggg" the school bell rang and you finished up washing your hands after using the bathroom, and you headed to lunch. Everyone knew you were Harry Style's little sister, and they used you for it. They constantly asked you questions that were invasive and made you very uncomfortable.

You thought you had a solid friend group, but they left you after two years when you didn't take any of them on your family vacation where Harry was going to join you guys. You tried to tell them it was family only, but they told you that you were a liar, a crook, a bitch, and badmouthed you to the whole school. And the shitty thing was, you knew they never actually liked you, they liked the "so-called benefits" you brought. And they left you.

Leave toxic friendships, right? You thought you had already. You thought you were all alone until someone started to warm up to you. It was g/n. She was always in between groups on the social spectrum: she could sit in the library alone, or hang out with the "nerdy" kids, or she could chill with the popular kids; it all depended on the day.

You two started to get close after having both study hall/free period and photography together. You started talking even outside of class, even if it was a simple "hello" in the hallway. She knew you were Harry Style's little sister, but to you, she didn't seem like she cared. You truly thought she genuinely wanted to be your friend. Boy were you wrong.

All the text messages seemed to come out of nowhere. Well, somewhere. The first one was when you sent her different outfits to wear for school the next day because you didn't know what to wear.


You: Option 1,2, or 3?

G/n: None of them. You look so bad in all of them. The first one makes you look fat. So does the second. Actually they all do. Maybe you really are that fat. I can't believe I'm friends with someone who probably weights as much as an elephant. At this rate just wear a garbage bag to school tomorrow...


The next day after g/n texted you that, you hid from her most of the day. But then she texted you asking why you ignored her all day, completely ignoring the conversation that had happened the night before.

She started to do this a lot. Make you feel like utter shit one night and then just ignore it the next day. And the thing is, you never told anyone about it. And you planned on never telling anyone about it. Until someone found out.


G/n: we should talk on the phone because I think I need to come over if Harry's gonna be there, ya know?

This was the first time she had ever mentioned Harry being your brother, and wanting to meet him and all that. Even though she was manipulative, you thought she at least had one redeemable quality that no one else in your school seemed to have: she wasn't obsessed with your brother. But you were very wrong.


G/n: Answer me you slut.
        Delivered 10:08 pm
G/n: I stg y/n if you don't answer me I'm gonna—you don't even wanna know bitch
         Read 10:13 pm

And you left her text on read. You didn't want to respond to her, talk to her, see her, or even think about her. So you did what you should have done a long time ago when this all started: you blocked her number.

The next day, a Saturday, you were sitting at home, alone, content because your phone was not blowing up with texts from g/n. Until you opened your phone and started to scroll through Instagram. And saw something she posted.

It was a text conversation between you and her.

G/n: so is Harry coming home this weekend

You: yeah. I can't wait to fuck him in his sleep god he's hot.

G/n: that's your brother, gross!

You: so what? He tastes so good.

It went on. You never said that. God, you would never in a million years say that! You cringed just thinking about it. It was obviously photoshopped. And then you saw what it was captioned:

"Do us all a favor and kill yourself you whore."

You tried your best to not let it get to you, but after scrolling through all the comments where multiple other people told you you were worthless and should go and die, you couldn't take it anymore. You had gotten hate before, but this was something else. This was different.

You wanted to die. That would finally make them happy. It would make g/n happy at least. It would probably make Harry happy too.

You took out the razor blades from his suitcase and went to the bathroom. You started to fill the tub. You let it fill almost all the way before getting into the icy cold water. You took one razor blade up to your wrist, but first looked at the area, knowing this is what you wanted to do. This is how you wanted to end it.

You got out your phone from the counter and propped it up against the wall. You went live on Instagram. You wanted the whole world to watch you die so you wouldn't be such a burden anymore.

You didn't say anything. There were around 80 people watching before one person logged on. Harry.

"I'm so sorry Harry." You said through tears. Before you actually did anything, you stopped the livestream. You couldn't make him watch you die anymore.

You went back to your wrist and was about to draw blood when the door bust open, and you dropped to razor blade into the tub out of shock.

"Y/n, oh my god." Harry said as he lifted you, dripping wet in your clothes out of the tub. You hugged him and started to sob and hyperventilate, not only coming to realization with what you almost did, but also with how you've been treated over the past few weeks. You sobbed so loudly, you could barely hear Harry cry as he held you so tightly.

The sounds of sirens went off in the distance and got louder as they approached your house, because people watching the livestream must've realized you were wanted to kill yourself and called the police. You could barely hear the sirens though, your sobs were too loud.

"I've got you now," Harry said, his voice cracking as he held you tight, "and I'm never going to let you go."

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