BSM #17: Liam (12): Teddy

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A/N: Thanks so much for 1k!!!!! Requests are open still, so comment on any chapter or message me directly! Love you all💕 Also this imagine depicts Liam's parents as slightly harsh, but I in no way actually think of them like that.

888 words.

You were twelve now, so Liam leaving for tour wasn't such a big deal anymore. But the first time he left, you were 7. And you were still young then.

The first time he left was hard. He was sad, your parents were sad, your big sisters were sad, because your family didn't know what to expect. And as a young child, confused as to what was really happening, you were really scared. So scared that you cried for three hours nonstop the night before Liam left.

He was in your small bed, soothing you, trying to tell you that everything would be fine. He ran circles on your little back with his hands, trying his best to calm you down. It was two hours past when you normally went to bed, and you were still upset. But luckily, Liam eventually calmed you down and you went to sleep.

He knew you weren't gonna last long without crying every night after he left, and he knew he had to do something. So at nearly 10:00pm that night, he went to the store to buy you a teddy bear. The cashier looked at him weird, but he bought it with pride, hoping it would make you happier.

And let me tell you, that teddy bear made you so happy. You named it Teddy cause you couldn't think of much else, and you loved it. So much so, that even when Liam was home, you refused to sleep without your teddy bear.


You were trying to fall asleep, but something kept you up. Liam had been home the past couple nights to visit and see family while he could, and you were so happy to have him home. But the conversation you overheard from downstairs kept you up.

"She's too old to have it." Your mother stated briefly.

"But she—" Liam started to say.

"You're mother's right here Liam. She's almost a teenager. And teenagers don't sleep with stuffed animals anymore" your dad said, so matter-of-factly. This caught your attention, and you knew they were talking about you now. You slowly and quietly got out of your bed, went over to the staircase, and sat at the top so you could see them, but they couldn't see you.

"I think she still needs it. A part of her needs it mum" he pleaded, looking into your mother's eyes.

"Why? She needs to grow up, that's what" her cold words hit you sharply.

"Don't say that mum. She's perfectly fine for her age. I slept with a teddy until I was past her age." Liam said.

"And look where that ended you up. No one came to your sixteenth birthday because you had no friends." Your father told Liam, and they both started to get mad.

"And the only reason you have friends now is because of the band you are in. The other boys made you famous, they carried the band. You do nothing. That teddy bear will only hold her back in life." Your mother nearly screamed at Liam out of frustration. You could see tears start to form in his eyes, and you couldn't watch anymore so you scurried back to your bed.

The front door slammed, and you heard Liam leave. Then your mother came stomping up the stairs, so you pretended to be asleep so she wouldn't get mad at you too. She ripped the teddy bear out of your arms, and left you again. You wouldn't see that teddy bear again.

You cried silently now, partially in shock of what just happened, partially scared, and partially because you didn't have your teddy anymore. Over the course of the next thirty minutes or so, your parents went to bed and you were still sitting in your bed, crying silently. You were scared Liam was never gonna come back and leave you forever.

You sat there alone, letting your tears consume your thoughts, scared. Until you heard the front door open softly and a glimmer of hope shone through. You listened as Liam climbed up the stairs slowly, but you were still crying from everything that had just occurred. Your door opened softly and you saw your bother standing in the doorway.

"Bubby?" You muttered through your tears.

"Yeah, y/n, it's me. Don't worry, I'm here now." He whispered gently as he walked over and sat on the bed, scooping you up into his arms the way he had five years ago. He rubbed large circles on your back as you calmed down and he let your breathing become steady again.

"I got you something." He whispered into your ear. You looked up at him, confused as to what he could've possibly gotten you. He picked up something behind him, before giving it to you.

"I named it Teddy" he said, as he handed you a teddy bear that looked just like the last, only newer.

You fell asleep that night with your new teddy bear tight against your chest, and your brother and parents made up in the morning.

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