BSM #12: Niall (14): Stormy

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You watched the popcorn bag go round and round in the microwave, as you slightly jumped each time a kernel popped. The popcorn slowly started to not pop as much so you opened the microwave door as you went to go and find a bowl. You poured it into the bowl and each piece made a satisfying "clink" sound.

Niall had said not to use the microwave when he was not home, but it was just some popcorn, I mean he wouldn't mind too much, would he? He wouldn't be home for a little bit anyways, so he would never even know.

You walked into the living room and put a movie on; Lion King was your favorite. You had finished your popcorn, and Niall wasn't home, so you checked your phone to see if you had any texts from him.

"Rehearsal is running a little later than usual, be home before you know it! Love you sunshine." A message from Niall read on your phone. It was getting dark outside, but you were not tired so you decided to put in another movie: Toy Story.

After about twenty minutes of the second movie without Niall home, it started to rain a lot. You were fine with rain but had an irrational fear of thunderstorms, so as long as it didn't thunderstorm, you were fine.

Then the room flashed and you were sitting in silence for the few seconds that followed, anticipating what was to come. The thunder seemed to shake the whole house, even if it wasn't super close. You felt your whole body shake, even if it wasn't, and started to silently cry. Why couldn't Niall be home now?

The second flash of light made the power go off, leaving you in complete darkness, awaiting the inevitable shake of doom. Yet this one was bigger and louder than the last. And by far much scarier.

You had stopped listening to the storm itself, solely focusing on your fear. You cried in the dark, unable to breathe, as your whole body shook out of fear. Your hands grabbed your knees and you curled up into a ball while you shook. You felt you were too far gone to be saved now; something in this storm had swept you far away from reality.

You were shaking and crying so badly you didn't see your phone constantly lighting up with reassuring texts from Niall telling you he would be home soon. He knew how much you disliked thunderstorms and felt so bad he wasn't there to cuddle you close. He was a good big brother in that way, he knew exactly what to do if you were crying or hurt, and always tried to make you happy again.

Although, through your tears, you didn't see his texts. You just felt alone, and scared, with nothing to do but cry and shake. And when you cried and shook, it made you even more scared because you would never breathe and would always end up hyperventilating.

Suddenly, through a miracle, the door opened to Niall throwing his stuff on the table and running to the couch you were curled up on. You only looked up at him once he sat next to and began to hug you. You opened your arms and sobbed into his shoulder, but his shirt was already drenched from the storm.

"I am so sorry y/n. I should've been here" he says sympathetically, holding you as you shook. You two stayed in that position for about ten minutes until you started to calm down, but still stayed attached to Niall. The storm had calmed down as well, but in the past ten minutes you hadn't looked up from his shoulder to notice.

He picked you up and dragged you over to his room as he laid you in his bed. He helped you get your shirt off, which was wet from hugging a soaked Niall, and gave you one of his jumpers that you put on, still shaking. He peeled off his drenched clothes as you changed into the jumper, so that he could be in dry clothes as well.

"Where do you want to sleep tonight?" He asked, because during storms, you normally slept with him. Now that the storm was over and you had calmed down, he wasn't sure what you were going to do, so he asked, secretly hoping you would sleep with him, as he loved making you fell better.

"Could I sleep here?" You croaked out, as your eyes fills up with tears from the pain in your throat. Your throat was so dry and scratchy from crying and hyperventilating, it hurt to talk.

"Of course you can." He said cheerily, as he slipped into his bed next to you, holding you close the whole night.

803 Words

A/N: Sorry for not updating for a while! Send me your requests!

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