BSM #23: Harry (16): Tired

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You sat down on the couch that opposed Harry's couch, watching him as he played the guitar. He played random chords, not really having a direction in which to play. You played with the rings around your fingers, and looked up at him with a big yawn. You were tired, but you weren't going to let him know that, considering it was only 10:00 and you stayed up most nights until 1:00.

"You tired love?" Harry questioned, holding his guitar pick loosely in his hand as he stopped playing the guitar to talk to you. He studied your tired figure closely, watching as you shook your head "no", and he shot you a smirk, as he knew you were lying.

"I know you're tired, even if you don't want to admit it." He said, grinning at you, thinking he had bested you.

"I'm not tired. Plus it's only ten o'clock."

"Doesn't matter that it's only ten. You've been up all day, we both have."

"Yeah, but I normally stay up later than this, Harry."

"That doesn't change the fact you're tired," he said, as his eyes met your glance, and added: "plus, we're traveling back home for the better part of the day tomorrow, and traveling is exhausting. Mum keeps telling me how much she misses you."

You paused, before insisting, "I'm fine Harry, now c'mon, let's watch a movie."

"Okay." He said hestaintly as he put his guitar away.

"You go and make some popcorn, and I'll find us a movie." You said to him as you started to browse the different movies on Netflix. You scrolled through every title imaginable, before settling on just watching FRIENDS for the hundredth time.

Harry put the popcorn down on the table in front of the couch before grabbing two blankets, one for each of you because you both had some issues with sharing and personal space. He threw your blanket on top of you, and you began to snuggle up inside of it before he plopped down next to you and did the same. You grabbed some popcorn and then clicked play on the television remote.

You finished one episode with no problem, but finishing a second was a whole other story. You kept falling in and out of sleepiness, hoping Harry wouldn't notice, because if he did, he would make you go up to bed, and you were just so comfortable here. You really tried your best to stay awake, but it seemed nearly impossible.


Harry's POV

I knew she was tired for a fact. She knew that too, whether she wanted to admit it or not. I knew that snuggling up on the couch was going to make her tired, and even though she made it through the first episode, I'm pretty sure she won't make it through a second.

Between episodes, she shifted positions, to the one me, mum, and Gemma referred to as "y/n's sleeping cuddles." Essentially, y/n would cocoon herself in her blanket, then rest her head on whoever's abdomen was next to her, and look up at that person until they put their arm around her. It made her feel safe, secure, and definitely sleepy.

And I was right. Soon enough, y/n's head was resting on my chest, my arm was around her, and I watched as she fell in and out of consciousness.

The episode had finished, and I let another one play before bugging y/n to get up. She stayed asleep for the better half of the episode, which told me that it was time for bed.

"Y/n. Love, wake up." I whispered softly, pulling her hair back behind her ear. She made a little movement, and a groan, but went right back to sleep. I knew there was no way she was getting up until morning. But if I let her sleep on the couch, her back would probably hurt her tomorrow, no matter how comfortable the couch.

So I picked her up, trying not to make any sudden movements, and brought her upstairs to her room. Whether she wanted to admit it or not, I knew she was tired. And I was definitely right.

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