BSM #15: Harry (17): Sing

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You got home from school, throwing your book bag behind you, excited for the weekend that was to ensue. And you were excited because you had absolutely nothing on the the schedule. You had a few assignments for school, but you knew they would only take you five or ten minutes. And actually you had one thing on the agenda: your big brother Harry was coming home this week. For an entire week. He had landed from his plane a few hours ago but he had to go and do something for his job and wouldn't be home for a couple hours. Both your parents were out as well for work, so you were home alone.

You sat down on the couch and turned on the television, letting go of all your stress from school. You mindlessly watched as the characters ran around the television, your mind somewhere else, somewhere more serene. Your eyes watched the television, but in your mind you were listening to a song. Well, not actually any one song in particular, but a tune.

During a commercial break, you started to get bored so you turned off the television and went to grab your guitar. Harry had all his guitars and you simply had one acoustic guitar. He had offered to get you a different, newer one, but you insisted that this one did everything you needed it to. And you weren't lying, it did.

You slowly tuned the strings, noticing how out of tune they were because you hadn't touched your guitar in ages. School had been so stressful and you haven't really had a chance to play. You also didn't mind playing in front of other people, but preferred to play home alone because you felt like you were doing it all wrong. You were a decent musician, but with Harry Styles as your brother, you didn't exactly have a good comparison.

You strummed each of the strings, double checking they were in tune, slightly adjusting the "A" string. You didn't grab a pick; you preferred to play without a pick, as you didn't play anything too complicated.

You then proceeded to clear your throat and start plucking a few strings along to the tune of "When You Love Someone" by James TW. It was quite a sad song, but you loved to sing it, and it wasn't too hard to play either.

"Come home early after class, don't be hanging around the back of the schoolyard." You started out, allowing your voice to find the notes easily, and not try and go too high or too low.

You kept singing along, not hearing Harry quietly open the front door.

"Yeah you'll understand when you love someone." You sand the first chorus, as Harry slowly approached your bedroom, trying to not stop you. Your back was faced to the door, so you couldn't see he standing in front of the doorway.

"When you love someone-oh, when you love someone." You finished out the song, smiling to yourself, thinking what you had sung was pretty good.

"That was great y/n." A voice behind you said, making you jump.

"Harry!" You said, getting up and giving him a hug. He hugged you back, but you pulled away realizing he had just heard you sing.

"How much of that did you hear?" You inquired.

"Enough." He said with a cheeky grin plastered on his face, making you blush.

"What did you actually think?" You asked, confidence dropping.

"I thought it was really beautiful," he said while you smiled, "but the guitar sounded old and worn out." You playfully smacked him upside the head, but little did you know that he would give you a guitar for your birthday in a month, and you would grow to like that one more than the old one.

639 Words.

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