BSM #4: Liam (11): Strong and Brave

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"Y/N" a voice called out. You opened you eyes, and squinted, blinded by the early morning sun, to see your big brother Liam in your doorway. "Huh?" You asked groggily. "The boys want to go out adventuring for our new movie and you have to come with us." He said, obviously excited for the adventure. You got up to get ready for this so-called adventure and Liam left your room.

You didn't mind the boys at all, especially because Liam was the most overprotective big brother ever, and he tends to let his guard down around the boys a bit more. You headed downstairs, ate some breakfast across the table from Liam, both of you excited for the day to come. Before you knew it, you headed out the door and were on your way to Harry's house.

You got to Harry's and he gave you a big hug, so did Niall, but Louis attacked you with tickles. "I'm too old for the tickle monster Lou." You told him, rolling your eyes. "Nope. Never." He said while making a funny face and tickling you again.

A van arrived at Harry's, and the boys and yourself, along with some camera crew, slid into the van. You guys sang songs along the way, laughing your heads off because of the silly voices Lou and Niall were making.

Finally the van stopped and you guys got off at a weird, very tall building near a cliff. You went into an elevator, and rode it for what seemed like forever before asking Liam, "Where in the world are we even going?" "Don't worry love you'll love it" he said, smiling down at you.

Finally the elevator doors open and you saw a sign, "The World's Longest Glass Floor," it read. You looked up at Liam, confused as to what it was referencing, and he looked down at you before holding your hand. You got to a door that opened out to the balcony. And there it was: a floor that lead from the building to the cliff on the other side. And you were scared.

The producers in the camera crew gave an order of who would cross the floor. It would go, Liam, Niall, Harry, Louis and then you. But you couldn't do it. You were too high off the ground. You couldn't focus to the cues the producers were giving out because you were too focused on your fear.

You started to clam up and go pale as your palms started to sweat, but no one seemed to notice you. Before you knew it Liam went across, then Niall, then Harry, and suddenly Louis had made it across. And now the cameras were pointed at you, but you couldn't do it.

"Shit" You heard Liam mumble from the other side, "I forgot about her fear of heights." You started to full on cry now, and Liam was ready to go over and grab you, but someone stopped him: Louis. "No mate, she needs to do this herself." He told Liam, holding his arm out to stop him from running across to go get you. "Come on Y/N." "You got this!" You heard the boys shout from the other side. And you knew you had to do this.

Your shoe moved slowly out onto the first pane of glass, slowly resting on it. You then put your other foot out hesitantly; now your whole body weight was on the glass. You let out shakily breath and looked up at the boys who kept telling you positive things, but you couldn't hear them, you just wanted to be in your brother's arms. You looked back down at your feet before breaking out into a full out sprint to the other side.

You were finally in Liam's arms, sobbing from relief and joy of finally facing your fears. The other boys got in and hugged you too, and it took them a while to let you go. Liam picked you back up in his arms for the trip back, and whispered into your ear, "Good job today, love. So strong and brave." He whispered before kissing your forehead.

A/N: I will be taking requests so leave them for me!

708 Words.

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