BSM #10: Louis (16): Goofy

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A/N: For the purposes of this imagine, Lottie, Phoebe, Daisy, Ernest, and Doris don't exist. I still love all the Tomlinson's though and wish my own family is as close as theirs.

-2 Months Earlier-
It had seemed like just yesterday that Louis played "Two of Us" for you and Fizzy. And it was beautiful. It was one of your favorite things Louis had ever written, and you loved it. You cried, but they were happy tears, just happy to be reminded that your mum was always with you.

Louis gave you a hug when he saw you crying, and you smiled into his chest. After the songwriting was over the three of you got together for a group hug and cried. You were so proud of Louis.

Then only a week or so later, your life was flipped once again. March 13, 2019.

It had always been Louis, Fizzy, and yourself since mum had passed and you all relied on each other. It was hard right after she passed, but you soon got back to being your goofy self which made Louis and Fizzy smile again.

But that day hit you like a load of bricks. You got home from school, waited for Louis to get home, and you did your homework. You had lived with Louis ever since mum had passed, and it had brought you closer. Fizzy lived on her own, but you three were nearly inseparable.

Louis got home and you two were making dinner when he got the phone call.

He answered with a "Ello?" and then an "This is him." You were interested in who was calling Louis so you listened, studying his face for clues. But then he broke. You rarely saw Louis cry and you were now a little scared as to who the caller was.

"Thank you." Louis mumbled through tears as he set his phone down. He looked into your innocent, bright blue eyes, staring at him intensely.

"Y/N?" He said softly. He took your hand in his, preparing himself for what he had to say next.

"Félicité's gone." He said, staring at you through his tears eyes. He never used her full name. But now was different.

-Present Time-
School was nearly out, and you were excited. You couldn't wait for summer, and hoping to be truly happy again. It was the last day of school and you were excited to finally leave, but you were upset that Louis was out in New York as he had to do an interview for a talk show. He was hesitant about it, but you assured him you would be fine. He still had Niall stay at the house with you, "just in case."

You drove home from school, expecting to walk into an empty household, as Niall was probably still out doing things and running errands. You opened the door and threw your book bag across the room, barely caring as to what happened to it now.

You turned around to close the door, but standing behind the door there was a familiar figure.

"Surprise!" Lou said as you wrapped your arms around him happy for him to be home. He picked you up off the ground and you wrapped your legs around him, ecstatic. You started to cry into his shoulder filled with happiness.

"Oh, don't cry Princess" he said as he felt your tears buried into his chest.

He put you down and slowly tapped your shoulder screaming, "Tag! You're it." And he ran off through the house as you chased him.

You finally cornered him in the back of his bedroom and you were about to tag him when he simply picked you up and threw you over his shoulder (for reference you're on his shoulder like a bag of sand or a pillow, curved against his shoulder, half right-side-up, half upside-down).

"That's not fair! Put me down!" You screamed through giggles. He tossed you onto his bed with a bounce and you laughed a little more.

"Okay, well I still want to make you laugh, so I guess we're resorting to the tickle monster." He said with a cheeky grin on his face.

"Louis I'm sixteen. I'm too old for the—" you were cut off by your own laughter as Louis tickled your stomach. He smiled at your laughter before saying, "there's my goofy girl again."

703 Words.

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