BSM #24: Niall (15): Tears

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A/N: Niall doesn't come in until halfway through this one. I hope you all like it still.

"How did I fail that test so badly?" You asked yourself as you walked to your last class of the day. You had just finished your physics test, and you were pretty sure that it didn't go to well. Actually you were one hundred percent sure that it didn't go well.

Each time you take the test, you can see your score right after, which is both good and bad. It's good because you aren't stressed the whole day, worrying about what you got. It's bad however, because then everyone can see your reaction when the teacher comes around with your scores at the end of class. And physics was hard, but everyone typically got a B or C on each test.

But this test you bombed. You weren't sure about half the questions, but you felt that way every time. So when your teacher came round to your table, you were a little nervous, but it wasn't too bad. Your teacher showed Hannah and Daniel their scores, two other kids at your table, and they both reacted like normal. And then he showed Aidan, another kid at your table, his score, and he smiled so big.

"I got a 100%!" He revealed to the whole class, happier than ever. This made you feel a lot better, especially because you and Aidan get the same score a lot of the time. Then your teacher walked his way over to you and showed you your test. And there was a 9 at top. A 9/50. Less than 20 percent. You couldn't believe your eyes. Tears started to form and you looked back up after whispering a measly "thank you" to your teacher.

"So, what did you get, y/n?" He question, a little too giddy.

"Bad." You whispered, a visible tear rolling down your face.

"But what was it?" He asked again.

"Not good, Aidan, okay?" You said, your voice cracking.

"Aidan, let her be." Daniel said, giving you a soft smile, and you smiled back at him.

Luckily the bell rang at that very moment, and you were able to leave to go to private study, your last class of the day. Your private study monitor happened to be one of your favorite teachers in the building, and she could tell something was up with you when you walked into the room.

"What's wrong, y/n?" she questioned at your sad walk into the room.

"Nothing." You said, giving her a weak smile, holding back tears.

"Hey, if something's really wrong, let me know." She said, looking into your teary eyes.

"I just— I did bad on a test." You replied, your voice cracking.

"Then just sit here, and we can talk if you'd like." She said, motioning to the empty chair near her desk.

"Thanks." You said, sniffling, sitting down in the chair.

Mrs. Newberry gave you a chocolate bar she had from her desk, and she told you all the reasons why one physics test wasn't the end of the world. You actually started feeling better, and the chocolate bar definitely helped.


After school, you got in your car, ready to drive home, like normal. You drove the familiar roads, letting the wheel slide through your fingers as you turned. You were going straight down the road, and suddenly everything stopped.

Someone had hit you. They'd done more than hit you, they'd nearly killed you.

"Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!" You heard some girl screaming as she ran over to your car. You unbuckled your seatbelt, and turned the car off as you got out of the car. The airbags had gone off, and some weird smoke was going through your car, so you got out as quickly as you could.

"Are you okay?" The girl said, but you could now more clearly hear her words slightly slurred.

"Are you drunk?" You questioned, still trying to process what had gone on. Some other car stopped and was calling 911.

"I mean I had a few beers. But I should be fine." The girl said, obviously drunk.

You moved to the side of the road, trying to process what had just happened. You sat down, realizing that you didn't have your phone. It was still in the car. You ran back to the car, and went back in to look for your phone, as the smoke had settled. You couldn't find it.

You heard sirens as a few police car and ambulance showed up, but the only thing you could focus on was the fact you couldn't find your phone. Niall was going to think you were dead. He was going to think you were dead.

You started to cry and shake. Everything hit like a train all at once. Actually, everything hit you like a car.

"Ma'am, do you have someone you can contact?" A fireman said, walking over.

"My phone. It's—it's somewhere in there but I don't know where." You said shakily.

"It's okay, we will get it for you." He said, realizing how much fear you were in.

You kept looking around, crying because you were scared. Crying because of what just happened. Crying because of what happened early that day. But you were really crying because you had no one here. And you though that Niall was going to think you were dead.

"Is this is?" A fireman asked as he brought over your  phone.

"Yes. Yes. Thank you." You said, crying.

"You turned on your phone, which had a few more cracks than normal, and found Niall's contact. You finally dialed his number and held the phone up to your ear, listening as the phone rang.

"'Ello. Y/n, where are you?" He said, wondering why you weren't home yet.

"I was- I was in a car accident Niall. But I'm not dead don't worry." You said through sobs.

"Where are you?" He asked calmly, so you told him where you were, and you waited. A fireman sat down on the side of the road next to you while you waited for Niall.

The girl who had hit you was now talking to the cops, and the tow trucks had come to pick up both cars, which were definitely totaled. Then you saw the black Range Rover driving down the road, being led through the traffic by a police officer.

"That's him. My brother. That's Niall." You said through tears to the fireman next to you.

"Alright, we'll go talk to him, and then he can come over to you." He said, standing up, walking over to Niall's car.

You watched as the men talked to Niall, but you couldn't stop crying.

Then you saw him start walking over to you.

You got up and ran to him, collapsing in his arms.

"Niall. I—I" you muttered, sobbing.

"Shhhh. It's okay now." He said rubbing circles on your back.

"OH MY GOSH! ITS NIALL HORAN." You heard the drunk girl screamed, but you and Niall looked over to see her being put into the back of a cop car for drunk driving.

"Fuck off." He muttered, as you two walked back to his car. You got in, and cried the whole way home, and most of the day after that. But around 9:00pm, Niall gave you ice cream, and you stopped.

"No more tears." He said, smiling softly down at you.

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