BSM #25: Liam (12): Freezing

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It was unbearably cold at this point. Even with the mountain of blankets over your shoulders, you were still freezing. And it was somehow even colder outside.
Out the window it looked beautiful: a fresh layer of white snow along the ground and a few snowflakes falling from the sky, just enough so that it looked like a scene from a movie. The snow was only visible through the street lamps that illuminated the streets, as it was pretty late and definitely dark outside.

It didn't really matter how pretty the outdoor scenery was, because inside it was extremely cold. The heater was acting up earlier in the day, and Liam was a little suspicious of it, but didn't worry too much, as it was still functioning just fine.

"If you need anything, anything at all, heater-related or not, I'm only 10 minutes away," you recall Liams message to you when he left earlier that evening. Every once in a while, he would have an overnight at the studio, because he claimed that he could write best at 3 in the morning. You didn't disagree with him, but you also knew he used it as an excuse to party with his friends all night long. You didn't really care though. Until now.

You didn't want to disturb Liam, but you were freezing, and you knew that the heater wasn't just going to fix itself.

"He is only 10 minutes away..." you mumbled out loud as you mindlessly watched the television, not really paying any attention to what was going on in the scene. He was only 10 minutes away, but you didn't want to have to rely on Liam for everything in life. At one point or another, you needed to do stuff for yourself. But in this instance, you had no clue how.

Suddenly your phone buzzed, and you reached a hand out from under your mountain of blankets to see what it said.

"Everything going okay? Is the heater working still?" A text from Liam.

You started typing back, "everything's fine, don't worry about me!", but stopped and read over the text again. Maybe it was a sign that you weren't going to make it though the night with it being this cold. That, and the fact that you were shivering just from grabbing your phone from the table.

"Back-back-back-back-back-back," your phone clicked out loud as you erased the message you had already typed out.

"I don't think the heater is working too well. Plus I'm freezing haha." You sent to Liam, waiting for a reply.

"Don't even worry about it. See you in 10 love :)" you read before switching off your phone and going back under your mountain of blankets to watch tv again.

Before you knew it, you heard Liam's car pull up and watched him get out and walk up to the front door. You heard the door knob jiggle as he opened it, but didn't turn your head to see because that would require you moving your head from the mountain of blankets.
And you definitely weren't doing that.

"Y/n, where are you? Gosh it's freezing in here," you heard Liam say as he took off his shoes.

"Under the blankets." You said, and he walked over to see you shivering.

"Oh my gosh, how long has it been this cold?" He asked, concerned by how cold you appeared.

"Umm probably around two hours." You said, looking up at him.

"What? You should've told me as soon as it started getting cold and I would've come and helped you." He said as he sat down on the couch next to you and hugged you through the mountain of blankets.

"I didn't want to ruin your overnight at the studio Li." You said, somewhat leaning against his shoulder.

"You wouldn't have ruined it. Let me tell you a secret y/n. All those overnights with my friends at the studio? Fake. It's actually just me, a piano, and my thoughts. And you definitely wouldn't have ruined anything this time, as I haven't been able to write a single thing for some reason." He said, planting a kiss on your forehead.

"Now come on, the people to fix the heater will be here tomorrow morning, but for now, how about you and I have a sleepover at the studio?"


Later that night....


Liam laid on one of the couches with you until you fell asleep, or so he thought. He got up and went back to the piano, hoping to be out of his songwriting rut. And you listened as you heard beautiful chords come from the piano along with Liams lovely voice, and his music is what finally got you to sleep. And luckily, he got out of his songwriting rut.

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