BSM #22: Louis (18): A Little Too Much

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You were at home with Louis, and it just happened to be you and him, because all of your siblings were either at their own places or at your grandparents. You were the oldest, 3 years older than Lottie, and always hung around people who were more your brother's age.

Mature. That's what they called you. Everyone always treated you like you were older and didn't do much different. At least they did when you were with Louis.

Your mum always told Louis he needed to take care of you when you two went out, but he always let shit happen, let you deal with it. You thought he'd let you do whatever without a care. Boy, were you wrong.

You were hanging around Louis and the boys, and you were all drinking. Louis knew you drank, and you were pretty sure he didn't care. You were pretty sure at least.

You poured yourself some more tequila, and were soon back for more before you knew it. The television was going, but you did not care one bit. You just kept drinking. None of the other boys noticed how much you drank because they were too busy goofing off, you thought.

And before you knew it, you had single-handedly emptied the whole bottle. You did not know what Louis would think of this, whether he would care or not. So you ignored the problem and stumbled your way over to the couch by the rest of the boys.

The boys were simply telling stories and making stupid remarks at the telly. You went along with it, and laughed at a lot of things they said, cause everything seemed too funny to you.

However, one thing gave you away: how loud your laugh was. It got extremely loud when you got drunk, and Louis started to pick up on that. When you didn't notice, he went off to the kitchen just to check something. And his suspicions were confirmed, the entire bottle of tequila was gone. And you were the only one drinking it.

When he walked back into the living room he saw you all too invested in a dog toy on the ground.

Niall started, "Tommo, I think she's a little too—"

"I know. Thanks." Louis said while walking over to you.

"Love, I think it's time to go upstairs," he said softly.

"But the PARTYS down here" you said slightly too loudly.

"We're gonna move it upstairs, y/n, just come with me" he lied.

"Okay Lou, whatever you say," you slurred the word 'whatever' so badly it sounded like 'wool-over,' whatever that meant.

You stood up and stumbled a little before taking Louis's arm and walking upstairs. He put you in your bed, tucked you in, kisses your forehead, and before either of you knew it, you were asleep.

"Just a little too much tonight, my love" he said while walking out of the room.

A/N: sorry this ones so short! Hope everyone's staying inside and healthy. We'll get through this. Leave your requests anywhere, and I'll do them!

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