BSM #16: Niall (15): Sick

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You woke up feeling like utter shit, but missing a day of school wasn't an option. Your parents were out of town, and Niall was home for a couple days, taking a break and "finding himself" as he put it. Whatever the hell that meant.

You groggily got your things together and made yourself some toast to take with you, even though you knew you weren't going to eat it. Niall was still asleep upstairs in his room, so you had to be quiet in order not to wake him. Your friend y/f/n would be at your house to pick you up soon, so you had to get ready fairly quickly.

A loud cough came out of your scratchy throat, causing you to groan in pain, the cough echoing throughout the entire house.

"Shit" you mumbled to yourself as you heard Niall move around in his bed upstairs. You didn't mean to wake him up and have him worry about you. Luckily, you didn't hear much other movement from upstairs, indicating that he had probably gone back to sleep.

Y/f/n texted you that she was at your house, so you gathered your things, purposely leaving the toast you had made on the counter, stumbling your way out to her car.

She joked around with you on the short way to school that you shouldn't have gone, and you agreed, but it was too late now.


You sat down in first period, math, your head pounding. You couldn't think straight, your nose was stuffed up, your throat hurt, and you couldn't go five seconds without coughing. Also you didn't get much sleep because of how horrible you felt all night long. But you were here at least.

The bell rang and you were walking to you next class when you felt an unfamiliar feeling in your stomach, as you ran into the nearest bathroom before puking your guts out. Luckily the bathroom was empty so no one saw, and you flushed the toilet before turning around to was your hands. But there was a teacher looking out you sympathetically, who must've saw you run into the bathroom.

"Let me take you to the nurse sweetie." She said while you washed your hands. You really wanted to make it the whole day, but at this point, you knew you weren't going to able to.

"Sure." You said weakly as you dried your hands off.


You sat down on the cot in the nurse's office, after being handed a small bottle of water and a trash can "just in case". You gave the nurse your information and you took small sips of water before she proceeded to take your temperature.

"103.2° F (39.5°C)" She said, frowning as she cleaned up the thermometer. You groaned slightly when you heard how high it was, knowing you would have to go home.

"It says here to call mom or dad. Which one?" She asked you, looking back at your miserable state.

"Umm, well they're both out of town, so I guess you could call my brother Niall, he's home." You said as you rubbed your head, it was pounding. You told her Niall's number and she proceeded to dial it. She told him to come and pick you up and that was the whole phone call. Now you could lay down and wait for Niall.


"Hi, I'm here to pick up my little sister, y/n. She's in the nurse's office I think?" You heard a familiar voice say to the receptionist as you sat up. Niall came in looking back at you on the cot.

"Is this your brother, y/n?" The nurse asked you, looking at Niall, then looking back at you. You nodded and he proceeded to walk towards you as you stood up. You were about to put your backpack on, but Niall insisted on taking it.

"She probably has the flu, so I would take it easy, and if her fever gets higher, take her to a doctor." The nurse said to Niall as he guided you out of the fairly cramped office.


Niall opened the car door for you, letting you sit down before putting your bag in the back and driving home. You told him about all your symptoms and how you didn't get much sleep the night before.

"Why didn't you stay home?" He asked, while driving his nice-smelling car. You shrugged and sighed as Niall turned into your neighborhood. He helped you out of the car and walked you inside where you laid down on the couch, cozying up in a blanket. He put your backpack in your room and came back with more blankets, just in case.

You turned on the television, flipping through the channels before deciding to watch Netflix. Niall was in the kitchen getting you medicine, but he looked up and saw you were watching Netflix and got excited.

"Ooh, what're you going to watch?" He nearly squeaked, as the boy loved finding new shows and watching a large number of episodes in a short span of time. Of course you didn't mind it either.

"Well, there's this new show called The Politician, and it sounds good, so I was thinking of watching it." You croaked, watching him walk towards you with a pill and some water.

He handed you the pill and water before exclaiming, "I wanted to watch that too!"

"Really? I'd let you watch it with me but I'm afraid I'll get you sick, being in the same room and all." You sighed, his blue eyes staring back into yours.

"Ehhh, I don't care." He said before stealing an extra blanket you weren't using and laying down on the recliner next to the couch.


After a two episodes, Niall got up and walked over to you to check on you. He kissed your forehead and immediately felt how warm it was.

"Sunshine, your forehead is really warm, I'm gonna take your temperature." He said as he wandered off to find a thermometer somewhere. You sighed, hoping your fever hadn't gotten worse, as you didn't want to go to the doctors.

He came back with a thermometer and gave it to you to put in your mouth, and you did so as you stared up at him. He started to hum a song and dance around a little, which always put a smile on your face. The thermometer finally beeped and he went to grab it before you could look at it.

"102.5. That's good! It's going down." He exclaimed, before setting the thermometer down and sitting back down in the recliner. You two finished that show by the end of the day, and by the end of the day, you felt so much better.

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