BSM #8: Liam (14): Distracted (Part 1)

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Ever since you had moved in with Liam in the states for your acting scholarship, you two had made a pact: brunch every Sunday possible. Obviously this wasn't possible when Liam was on tour or the one time you had to go to away for a shoot and Liam couldn't come, but you both tried to make brunch each Sunday.
This Sunday was the first you two had brunch together for a couple weeks and naturally, you were both excited. You made breakfast at the house every other day of the week, so on Sunday you two had decided to go out. You planned on going to a local cafe, hoping there wouldn't be a lot of paps or fans there. Both of you told everyone to not call unless it was an emergency for the next few hours, so you could have a peaceful brunch.

Finally the day had arrived, and you woke up to Liam rummaging through the things in your room. "What are you doing Li?" You asked, cocking your head up, opening your eyes.

"I'm looking for my phone, have you seen it? Actually, go back to bed. Sorry I woke you up, go back to bed love." He said, continuing to look through your stuff.

"I'm up now, Liam, might as well help you look" you said while getting out of your bed. You guys searched your room until you finally found it underneath your pillow.

-Flashback (kinda)-

Why could it be there? Last nights nightmares were pretty bad, and Liam knew how upset and scared you were; you were shaking. He laid next to you until you fell asleep, singing you songs and rubbing circles on your back.

-Present Time-

You gave Liam his phone, and took it with a smile.

"Thanks love." He said while planting a kiss on your forehead. "I'm gonna go get ready for our brunch" he said, smiling as he left your bedroom.

You picked out an outfit, a comfy sweater with leggings, and you went out to the mirror in the hallway to simply put your hair up in a bun. Liam walked out of his room and stood next to you, and you both realized how small you looked next to him.

"Awww y/n" he said looking down at you. You shot him a puzzled look and he chuckled, "you're reminding me of when you were really little."

"Stop it bubby" you said, playfully hitting him on the arm. He still saw you as a little kid no matter what you did, but it was nice sometimes. You went to go finish getting ready, and met Liam downstairs.

You went out to the car, and hopped in the passenger seat of Liam's car, excited for the day to come. You turned on the radio, putting your and Liam's "song" on: Here Comes The Sun by The Beatles.

"Good song choice y/n" he said while sliding into the car. He tuned his key into the ignition and the car left the driveway.

After two songs, you had already arrived at the cafe and started to walk toward the restaurant. You held the door open for Liam and he goofily walked in the restaurant, making you laugh.

"Why thank you, fair maiden" he said in a strong British accent.

"You are very welcome, sire" you replied, trying to keep a straight face, but giggling the whole time.

Liam asked the hostess for a table for two and you both got seated in the back, not near many people. There weren't a ton of people in the cafe to begin with, but it felt even more secluded in the back.

612 Words.

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