BSM #3: Niall (15): The First Cut (Part 3)

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Part Three
All around you, you heard beeps from hospital machines, as you slowly opened your eyes. You looked around you to see Niall playing his guitar before looking up and smiling at you while you opened your eyes. "Hey bubby." You said, your throat raspy and dry. "Hey princess." He said while handing you some water, and you happily drank it.

It wasn't long before the doctors came in, explained that the stitched you up, gave you blood, and that you were now free to go home. You got in Niall's car ready to go home, to see the boys and your mom again.

You walked in, expecting to see an empty house, the kitchen still a disaster from the incident. However, when you opened the door, you saw the boys, sitting on the couch watching TV. "You're home!" You heard Louis exclaim as the boys got up from the couch to give you a big hug.

After hugging you forever before Niall made them stop, claiming they were overwhelming you, Louis and Liam went to go get you a surprise from the fridge. Harry, on the other hand, ignored Niall's request to let you be, and he picked you up, ticking you, and not letting you go. Niall didn't stop Harry though, he was just happy to hear you laugh again.

Liam and Louis brought out an ice cream cake. You smiled as they put it down on the counter, ice cream cake was your favorite. Niall wouldn't let you cut it though, but you still got a slice anyway. You went to eat your slice, and Niall stopped you and said, "It's too dangerous." "A fork?" You asked curiously. "Just let me do it" he said and the other boys snickered as Niall fed you.

The boys later went home, and it was just you and Niall. Mom wouldn't be home until tomorrow, so it was your last day alone, just the two of you. Niall sat you down for "a talk" and you had no idea what he was going to say.

"I love you." He said, staring intensely into your eyes. "Love you too bub!" You said joyously. "Y/N...." he said. "I'm worried about you. I can't losr you." You looked at him weird, "Niall you're scaring me." "I should be saying that to you." He said, starting to cry. You got up from your chair and gave him a big hug, he needed you now.

413 Words.

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