BSM #29: Liam (19): Cheater

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You had been dating this boy, Andrew, since you were sixteen and he was seventeen. He had always been a nice guy, ever since the beginning. You even introduced him to your family after only a few months, and your family loved him too, all except Liam.

Liam didn't meet Andrew until after a year of you two dating because he was off doing things for work. And when Liam finally did meet Andrew, he pretended to like him, but it was obvious to you that he did not like Andrew one bit. You couldn't understand how your brother couldn't like a boy that was so perfect.

You were both in uni now, and had recently gotten a flat just outside of the uni you were both going to. You two had moved in together, and become a lot more serious than just a teenage fling. Or so you thought.

You were hanging out with Liam, on one of your rare brother-sister outings that happened probably once a year. You had just gone shopping at the stores, and you were going to go to his house, but had to stop at home to pick up something you had meant to give Liam a while ago.

So when you got to your house, the house you shared with Andrew, you didn't suspect anything to be wrong when you walked inside. You expected to find him on the couch playing video games or watching tv, so you would say hi to him, grab the thing for Liam, and you would be on your way.

"Hey babe, I'm stopping at home to pick up something for Liam, that's all!" You said as you walked inside.

"You're home?" You heard a shocked Andrew call out.

"Yeah, why is that a problem?" You laughed as you walked into the room, and saw something you wished you could unsee. It was Andrew on the couch indeed, but he was with another girl. And they were having sex. He was cheating. You couldn't believe it.

"It's not what it looks like, I swear! Baby please!"

"Don't call me that." You whispered, tears in your eyes. Your mouth was dry all of a sudden, and you didn't know what to do. What could you do?

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. But it's not what it looks like!"

"Then what is it?" You whispered again, completely heartbroken.


"Hey, y/n, I'm going to use the loo, if that's okay with you!" You heard Liam say as he opened the door and walked in. Shit. He couldn't see this. He couldn't. He never liked Andrew from the start. And he was way too protective.

"What the fuck." He said sternly as he walked into the room.

"What is this Andrew?" You asked again, your voice still in a whisper.

"It's—exactly what it looks like." He said in a way that sounded like he was ashamed of himself, but you really didn't care.

"What the fuck." Liam said again, even angrier.

"You had the best girl in the world. The very best. Yet you still go out and do this. To her? To my little sister? I never liked you, but she did, which meant I had to tolerate you. But I don't have to anymore. Cause you're a fucking dickhead, a piece of scum from the side of the road. I can't believe you would ever fucking do this!" Liam shouted and started to approach Andrew.

Before things got too intense, you reached out and grabbed his arm, stopping him from hurting the man who betrayed you and broke your heart.

"Don't. S'not worth it." You whispered, letting your tears eyes meet Liam's angry ones. But once he saw your eyes, his expression became much more remorseful.

"Liam and I are leaving. I expect you to be gone by tomorrow morning Andrew. Fuck off." You said and you walked out to Liam's car with Liam following you close behind.

You got in, and slammed the door shut to Liam's car. You were beyond angry. But at the same time, you were upset. So many emotions were flowing through your mind, you weren't sure of what to think.

"HE'S SUCH A DICK." Liam exclaimed, angrier than ever. You had never hear him yell with such rage before, like he was being manipulated by a tiger or some other large animal.

He turned on the car and started driving back to his place, and he kept yelling about how much of a dick Andrew was. But you couldn't care less. Everything that Liam was saying was going in one ear and straight out the other.

After a quick 10 minute drive to his house, he got out of the car and slammed his door, walking into his house. However, you just sat there: not moving at all. You had gotten past the initial anger towards Andrew, and now you were in a stage of complete shock. You didn't know whether to feel sad or happy or angry. You just felt empty.

After a minute or two when Liam had realized you were still in the car, he went out to come and get you.

"Y/n, come on, let's go in." He said, his voice just above a whisper. His tone had transformed completely, going from something angry to now something completely sympathetic.

Nevertheless, you sat still. His words had no affect on you.

"Y/n, come on love. Let's go in." He said, and he reached across your lap as he undid your seatbelt.

"I can't." You murmured, looking straight ahead, completely past Liam's eyes.

"What?" Liam asked, and it was obvious that he didn't hear you. You turned your body and looked him directly in the eyes.

You took a deep breath, "I can't," you said again, louder this time, tears filling your eyes.

"Oh, come here." Liam said and wrapped his arms around you, bringing you in for a large hug. You were fully sobbing now.

It would take time for you to understand what happened. You would move past the sad stage, onto the angry one, and eventually onto acceptance. But you knew that you would have the support of your family and friends to get you through the emotional turmoils that Andrew had put you through.

A/N: This was another request. Please please please let me know if you have other requests. I'd be so happy to do them!!

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