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Jimin woke up with a sudden. Beads of sweat shined on his brow. The chilly morning breeze bit at his pale skin and his eyeballs sqinted in an atrempt to adjust with the change of atmosphere. A million thoughts plaqued his mind and realisation dawned upon him

It was just a dream.

But it felt so real. He looked around to find himself in his grandmother's garden. Though it was old yet it held memories. Memories that he held dear to his heart.

Beds of narcissus, tulips and daffodils surrounded the edges like borders. An ancient cherry blossom tree stood firmly in a corner. The roots that surrounded it were proof of his advancing years and a shower of pink hue lay beside it. The precious moments of life it had shed.

A swing hung by its branches. It was old but the smell of fresh lacquer was present. An oaken bench lay in the corner, uneven at the edges, slightly less brown than a fresh piece of wood would be but that's what made it special.

The ground was bathed with mint and grass. In the middle of the garden lay a bed of roses, their scent embracing the whole garden in a hug.

They were Jimin's favourite and his grandmother too had a special taste for them.

"I must have dozed off", he muttered.

The heavenly scent of roses brought flashes of a special someone back in his mind. He smiled.


"Hyung, hyung, there you are. We're almost late," came a hurried voice from behind.

He didn't have to look in order to recognize the source of this voice. He already knew.

Jeon Jungkook

The golden maknae. The school's heartthrob athlete who got girls swooning on the mention of his name. He was a lot of things but to him he was Jungkook. His younger brother.

"Good to see you too kooky," he mumbled.

"Come on," Jungkook huffed, leaving Jimin no choice but to follow him.

"Wait", Jungkook said, as soon as the school gate came in view.

He ruffled his already ruffled up hair which gave him the impression of an athlete, a player. Like he had run a mile or just got out of the baseball field.

"Done", he smiled innocently and they both walked in.

A sea of girls surrounded them as they walked past. Giggles, gossips and flirty dialogues was the only thing they could hear. Some even took their pictures while others squealed.

"Ah yes, I know I'm handsome. Take as many pics as you want. The focus point is the face."

"It's Seokjin hung," Jungkook exclaimed in joy.

Kim Seokjin

The school's ultimate heartthrob. The most swoon- worthy guy on the planet. Every female in the school had crushed on him atleast once in their lifetime. He even got away from trouble with his face. Girls of course took every chance to gaze upon his magnificence.

"Not the face," he yelled.

Jimin's ears perked up and he looked in his direction. Tension was stirring up and the reason couldn't be more obvious.

Apparently, some girl had touched his face and him being a supersensitive narcissist had screamed. He took a compact mirror from a nearby first year and popped it open to examine his face.

After a minute or two, he shut it close.

"Still handsome," he announced as he walked over to the pair of them.

Jimin had his mind elsewhere.



She smiled and Jimin felt his heart flutter. Her smile was breathtaking.

He sometimes thought it was contagious because he always smiled when she did.

"I've missed you," he smiled wider, his eyes forming tiny crescents.

"Me too," she replied, glancing at the garden.

"It's beautiful".

"Yeah", he agreed.

"Y/N I..."

But of course he couldn't go any nearer than he was.

Y/N looked behind her and after a few moments.......


They there lovely readers
Couldn't wait to update so I published this chapter today.
Lol sorry if its lame or not what you expected.
If there is any suggestion you would like to give than I'm more than happy.

Do you guys want this story to be long or short cuz I'm planning to write it 3-4 books long

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