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Jimin found himself in the garden again. A dusky amber sunset. Birds flying back towards their nests.

He walked near the boundary of the garden and waited. Nothing was in view. He felt  as though he was alone and found himself looking at the sky, admiring it as he saw the last rays of the sun slowly fade away.

The gold and pink was smoothly blending into shades of violet and blue. He couldn't even imagine how lucky he was to witness such majesty. The clouds were still and motionless. Far off, he could hear the swishing of the river, as the waves danced and splashed it made everything look like a watercolor painting.

In the distance he saw a figure emerging. But the sky made it look like a silhoutte.The figure walked gracefully towards the garden.

It was Y/N.

Her hair swayed in the wind and her skin shimmered.

Her face.

She walked towards the garden and stopped in-front of the narcissus, the boundary after which the garden started.

Jimin walked closer. He didn't know what to say.

"Hi Jimin," she greeted softly.

Her voice.

He stiffened as he heard his name. Then, slowly got the urge to ask what he wanted to ever since the first time he had seen her.

"Who are you?", he asked, curiously raising his eyebrow.

"You know me", she answered, closely observing his face.

"But I..."

He was cut off.

"You know my name right?" she asked.

Jimin shook his head. She never told him her name.

"What's my name?"

"Y/N," he answered as soon as the words had left her mouth.

He didn't know why but he just knew her name. Even he didn't know how this was possible. It just happened.

Y/N's lips stretched into a smile.

"See, you do know me," she smiled brightly.

"How?" he questioned.

Her lower lip curled outwards as she pouted slighly.

"I love the garden," she said, changing the subject.

Jimin smiled.

"Its my halmeoni's," he said shyly.

"You like gardening?" she asked out of amazement.

"Um....yeah,"  he said, scratching the back of his head.

"I love gardening," she squealed.

Jimin felt the blood rush in his cheeks. She noticed noticed.

"I like your hair," she said shyly.

"Thanks, I dyed it myself."

For moments, they sat in silence.
But none of them minded it because it was not an awkward one. Rather, it was a comfortable silence.

Like they were really good old friends, simply staring at the sunset and letting the scene blow their minds away.

Jimin felt so real around her. He didn't remember feeling this real ever before. It felt.. .right.

Y/N sighed and stood up.

"I have to leave Jimin," she said, staring back.

He nodded sadly.

After looking at him for a couple of minutes, she stepped into a blinding white light and was gone.

Jimin was staring at the place she had just disappeared. He sighed.



Jimin groaned and rolled in his bed.



His alarm clock was ringing madly. He threw it on the ground.

After a few minutes, he got out of bed. He yawned and rubbed his eyes. He was in a bad mood.

For some reason, he felt as though he missed someone.

He decided to run to school. Maybe running could make him feel better.

He quickly dressed up and ran out. His eyes were still groggy. He let the cool morning air surround his body. The air was filled with the scent of pine and wood as he sprinted through the forest.

Legs trembling, stamina fading, he ran towards the school. As he reached the gate, he panted heavily.

He still felt that he had something missing or rather.. .


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