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The next day seemed to drag on forever for Jimin. He wasn't exactly a big fan of geometry and algebra but he would usually pay attention to that. Today, he couldn't even do that.

He felt the urge to run away and run to Y/N. Jungkook had been asking him if he was fine the whole day and strangely enough, he found it a bit disturbing this time.

Usually Jimin would smile whenever Jungkook came to him and Jungkook's bunny smile would cheer him up but this time it didn't. This time it felt a bit annoying and distant.

Even though he was present in the classroom physically, he didn't actually feel like he was there. It was as if his heart belonged somewhere else. And he knew that it was with      Y/N.

He seemed to be so lost in a dream like reality and was unaware of his surroundings. The scene of Taehyung dancing, Seokjin admiring his features, Jungkook giving him worried glances, Hoseok singing, Yoongi sleeping and Namjoon talking to a nearby girl, to him only felt like a painting. A mural. An art from another timeline, another world, hung on his wall.

He unconsciously stuffed his hands in his pocket and felt his fingertips brush against something hard.

It was the booklet.

Jimin has been so busy dreaming about Y/N that he had forgotten to read it.

He silently got up and strode out class. The teacher had left so he did not need to worry about anyone scolding him.

As soon as he was away from the classroom door, he sprinted towards the roof.

Once there, he sat and opened the book and started to read where he had left off.

One day I shall come and reunite with you. I will come to you like I did before but first I must.. .

He smiled as he found himself looking at the familiar words. He began to read.

see my grandchild grow up. And even though I know that you are somewhere else in the universe, in another realm, I shall find you just as you once found me when I was lost in your realm.

Once I die in this realm, this world, I shall be born in your world and we shall be together again.

Don't worry we are forever together.

Jimin couldn't read the name that was written after the word love because it was smudged. He sighed. So the booklet was indeed someone's diary. And that lovestruck person was a she.

"So in order to be born in another world, you must die in one world first?" he scratched the back of his neck.

A light bulb went off in his mind and he grinned ear to ear. If he died in this world, maybe he could be born in another world. Y/N's world.

But his smile faded as soon as another thought erupted his brain. Y/N wasn't from another world, she was in his imagination. Jimin hung his head in disappointment.

He felt a huge lump in his throat. He wanted to be with Y/N. And the fact that they couldn't be together hurt him deeply.

He wanted to let out a scream, but he didn't.

He stayed there on the roof, alone. He buried his face in his knees and wept silently. He began to let his feelings out. It wasn't like anyone was going to see him somewhere.

Hi guys
Hope you enjoy
Thx for reading

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