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Though Jimin was in no mood to study but Namjoon still dragged him to class. The history period dragged on treacherously. Jimin didnt know what was so interesting about the use of rocks in the stonage or why his teacher, Mrs. Kang even found it interesting. His was so bored.

Jimin hated history but he absolutely loathed his history teacher. She had a tight bun, square spectacles, a short nose and ruby red painted lips. Her face was caked with makeup. Cat eye liner and fake eyelashes. Her braces were painted red and everyday she would spend about half the time applying fresh layers of lipgloss.

She wore bright coloured clothes, mostly bright orange, hot pink, canary yellow or dark green with 4 inch long heels. Her nailpolish was always multi coloured and her sickeningly sweet perfume made Jimin feel trapped.

Maybe he couldnt sleep properly last night or perhaps it was the side effects of extreme boredome, either way, Jimin felt his brain was going to melt and ooze out of his ears, landing on his history book with a splash.

Atleast, he would be able to get out of class that way.

After what felt like a century, the bell finally rang. A few students had relieved expressions, some pouted disappointedly while half of the class yawned and rubed their eyes as they had just woken up.

Jimin decided that he could use some fresh air and shot up from his seat. The teacher was gone and the students were way too busy discussing the latest hot topic in the school:

How Mingyu proposed Mira.

He just rolled his eyes as the girls, gushed, gossipped, giggled and blushed while the guys gave Mingyu fist punches and congratulated him.

Jimin went to the rooftop and sat on the concrete floor, relaxing under the warm sun. He closed his eyes and just as he did, thoughts of Y/N invaded his mind.

Her smile.

Her voice.

Her face.

Her eyes.

The way her hair swayed in the wind.

And finally.. .
how she disappeared

It took Jimin a moment to realize that the person he missed was none other than...

He swallowed.

This is insane, he thought.

She's just a dream.
But she felt so real.

He doesn't even know her.
But she felt so familiar.

She is no one to him.
But she's my everything.

Jimin's eyes shot open. He didn't know how that thought came in his mind. It just.. . did.

He gave it a thought.

Was he really missing someone he saw in his dream?



He knew it sounded wierd. Crazy.
Insane even.

But it was the truth and he couldn't deny it.

He didn't know what to think. If he shared these feelings with his parents, they would call his therapist, if he told his friends, they would think he's insane.

So he decided to keep it to himself. Maybe it was normal to feel what he was feeling and maybe the feeling would go away on its own.

He highly doubted it but still.

He sat there, alone, lost in a world of his own.

Then a voice came from behind

It was none other than.. .

Hi sweet readers.
My book's event are taking place slow.
But I'll try to make it intersting
Thx for reading
You guys r OSM

Do you guys think I should continue this book?

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