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"Mr. Park, Mr. Park! Mr. Park!!!"

Jimin's head shot up.

"Would you mind telling us the answer to this question or the answer to where your thoughts were?" his teacher asked sharply.

Her cold eyes were fixed dead on him, giving the impression that he was smaller, weaker, the prey. She was carefully observing his every move. She was a hawk.

Jimin gulped. He had not been listening. Her eyebrow arched.

If looks could kill Park Jimin would be five feet under the earth now.

"He died and his brother ran away", Namjoon whispered, burying his face in the textbook in an attempt to not get caught.

"H- he died and his brother got away," Jimin quickly answered.

She glared at him for a moment or two as if figuring out whether or not he had earned a whole lifetime of detention. The bell rang and she strode out.

"Thanks,"  Jimin muttered to Namjoon who flashed him a grin.

Kim Namjoon

The most intelligent ass brain in school. A certified book worm and a drop dead amazing songwriter. He too, owned a spot among the institution princes Bangtan and was commonly referred to as RM.

"Jiminieeee," came a high pitched voice Jimin knew he hated.

"Oppa," Ji Yoon whined as she held onto his arm as though her life depended on it. Jimin sighed and Namjoon simply rolled his eyes.

"Not your oppa", Jimin said making her pout. Jimin freed his arm of her suffocating grip and walked towards the cafeteria for lunch.

At recess he sat with his group Bangtan which consisted of Namjoon , Seokjin, Yoongi , Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook.

Jung Hoseok

The school's sunshine and also the guy with the most friend requests, likes and followers on social media as he was a 'social' butterfly. Because of his happy nature many preferred to call him J-hope. A heartthrob he sure was.

Min Yoongi

The swag master. He was as hard as a rock. Authoritative and cold at times but he was sweet inside. There were times when he laughed so hard he fell over, goofed around and flashed his gummy smiles but only Bangtan and a few others knew that. This heartthrob called himself Suga.

Kim Taehyung

The school's bad boy and a known player. V of Bangtan. Girls squealed whenever he smirked. He was 'deeper than the ocean' he said and that was a fact. Even though he was a player, girls never stopped dating him. The risk of heart break was nothing when you had a chance to spend a few moments with Kim Taehyung.

Jimin sipped his orange juice, trying to divert his attention towards the sharp taste in order to busy himself so he wouldn't have to stare at Taehyung playing with his latest target.

"So we have to perform for the school in an event coming up later, till then we should decide a song and start practicing. But the teacher suggested that we do solos too so we'll have to be quicker", Namjoon said while munching on his sandwich as Hoseok accidentally squirted ketchup on a nearby senior and went to apologise.

They nodded eagerly.

"Sounds fun", Jungkook said in between bites. They were to meet in the music room in the seventh period to start practicing as soon as possible.

Jimin entered the music room and took a chair beside Seokjin who was slathering lotion on his face. Namjoon asked them the song they should perform as a group and they agreed on 'Spring Day'

But when the solos came Jimin was unsure which one to choose. Taehyung had chosen 'Singularity', Hoseok chose 'Mama' and that's all Jimin remembered hearing.

He told Namjoon that he would select his song later and they began practicing their chorio together.

Jimin got home, changed his clothes and sprawled on the sofa, lost in a world of his own.

Thinking about her.

Soon, exhaustion made his eyelids droop and his mind travelled elsewhere. He found himself in his grandmother's garden and Y/N standing ahead smiling.

Jimin ran nearer and waved.

She smiled back.

Her smile.

Even though Jimin had only seen her for a moment or two in his dreams, because she disappeared after that, he found that he liked her presence. Even though he didn't know her.

But her presence made him feel that he was with a friend, a loved one.
Every time he came here, he forgot his worries and enjoyed her company. Just looking at her as she looked at him.

At first Jimin didn't bother and considered her a dream but slowly, she was feeling less a dream, more like reality.

Jimin took a few steps towards her.


But before he could ask....

She disappeared

Hi there sweet readers
Hope you guys liked it
So right now the story might seem boring but I'll make that better
Thx for reading tho

Who's your bias?

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