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Jungkook and Namjoon sat in the sunlit room, waiting for the others. Every weekend, all of them would go somewhere together.

Pretty soon, Taehyung and Hoseok arrived with Jin in the back, completely absorbed in his hand mirror.

Yoongi and Jimin came last.

Jungkook noticed that Jimin seemed a bit off and took a seat beside him.

He tapped his shoulder lightly and Jimin tilted his head in order to look at Jungkook.

"You okay hyung?" he asked while passing him a Coca-Cola can to which Jimin nodded.

But deep down he felt that he wasn't. He couldn't get his mind off what had happened.

The dream.


The barrier.

The fact that they can't actually be in contact.

And if that wasn't enough already, his grandmother was acting different as well.

He was looking at his friendswho were snarfing down burgers and chugging on sodas. Joking around with each other while passing each other chips. Some of them were taking selfies. Mainly Hoseok.

Even though he was looking at them, his face was expressionless and his eyes were blank. He was still thinking about what had been going on.

"So when I asked her out and she said.. .Yes!!!!"he heard Namjoon.

All of a sudden, the room was so quiet you could actually hear a pin drop. All eyes were concentrated on Namjoon who was beaming proudly.

"Wow," Hoseok blurted out a minute later.

Soon everyone was asking questions and slapping him on the back.

Jimin decided to go out for a while.

Even though he absolutely loved his friends, sometimes they were just too loud for him.

He took slow steps towards the door and just as he was about to twist the doorknob.. .

"Jimin get back, you still haven't told us the song you will sing in your solo", came Namjoon's stern voice.

Jimin padded back to his seat and politely told him that he had not decided it yet.

Namjoon sighed deeply, trying to calm himself down and gave Jimin a forced smile.

"Just make sure everything is perfect on the final day okay?"

Jimin nodded.
Everyone in class was buzzing happily. The event was coming nearer and nearer.

Kate and Jiseok sat in the corner kissing each other ina mannwr that Jimin mistook them for eating each other's faces. He shrugged.

I wonder if  Y/N's lips taste like candy.

He mentally slapped himself for thinking that.

They were just friends.
But they could be more.

Y/N would not like it.
That's because she'll love it.

This is wrong.
But it feels right.

He shook his head, trying to clear out his thoughts.

He had never thought this way about any girl. Then why was he acting this way with Y/N?

Was it possible that they could be together.

Jimin laughed bitterly at the thought.

Ofcourse not, said his head.
Obviously yes, that was his heart.

He didn't know why but he suddenly thought of his grandmother.

What would she do in a situation like this?

He was pretty sure, because of spending a lot of time with her, that she would follow her heart. She was the closest thing he had to a mother. Even his own mother didn't care about him.

Her drinks were more important than her son's happiness. And Jimin was always saddened at this thought. Even his dad didn't care. Money and power was all he had in mind.

To him, a perfect life meant mountains of cash, a successful business economy and pride.

Jimin has asked them for a sibling but they had just laughed about it and started babbling on their phones again. He was at the verge of breaking.

But then, he found good friends; Bangtan, started visiting his grandmother and now he had Y/N too.

A smile formed on his lips as he thought about all of them. They were a bliss.

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