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He hugged the letter. It was a memory of his grandmother. He imagined her sliding her favourite quill against the paper, folding it slowly and putting it in the envelope.

He thought about what his grandmother had written. About a certain her. She had told him that he loved her and that he should confess.

Jimin didn't know who she was talking about but it made him think of Y/N.

He put it beside him and then took the second envelope hoping that it had some explanation and probably answers to the previous letter.

Not for Jimin, it read.

He carefully put it back in the box and took out the booklet instead. On the cover was a drawing of a boy.

He had soft skin with plump lips and a sharp smile. His eyes were warm and welcoming. He wore a simple t-shirt with jeans and had one of his hands stuffed in his jeans pocket. He had a short, pointy nose and fluffy hair that looked like they had just been ruffled.

The boy looked somewhat like.. . Jimin himself.

He opened the book. There was a picture of the same boy in a garden. His grandmother's garden. And a girl sat near him on a swing.

There was another sketch. Jimin's eyes widened at this one. It was the same one he had drawn.

A boy and a girl separated by a transparent glass wall with their hands on either side of it. Their eyes were overflowing with love and devotion yet a tinge of sadness.

He softly traced his fingers on the charcoal. He didn't know where his grandmother had got these drawings but the shades indicated that she had drawn them herself.

He decided to take a look at the book later and put it beside the letters.

He found a small box and popped it open.

Inside were two rings.

Couple rings.

Jimin knew about these. His grandmother would often tell him tales about these rings about how at the end of most fairytales the two lovers decided to wear couple rings.

These were the most beautiful ones he had ever seen.

He imagined the ring glistening on his finger and.. .

He mentally slapped himself.

He noticed a small purple piece of paper sticking on the inside of the box.

He peeked it off and straightened the wrinkles on the page.

Again, it was written in his grandmother's hand.

"Couple rings
For you and the one you want to give it to.

Give it to the first girl you think of when you see these rings.

Take care Jiminie


Jimin reread the letter thrice.

Give it to the first girl you think of when you ser these rings, the note had read.

As soon as he had set eyes on the rings, he had imagined Y/N wearing it and Jimin wearing the other one.

So the one who should wear it was.. .Y/N.

He had finally learnt the meaning of the purple butterfly. Someone important was about to come to the scene.

That was probably Y/N.

He put everything back in the box.

He had learnt that his grandmother wanted him to confess.

Probably to Y/N.

And she had given him couple rings.

For him and Y/N.

So the girl he loved was.. .Y/N.

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