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Jimin lay sprawled on his bed. He was reading his novel. It was homework. He was bored. He yawned.

There was nothing to do. He didn't want to play on his phone either. He glanced at the clock.

Since it was still afternoon, almost sunset, he decided he should give homework a rest.

With that, he tossed his book to the corner and got out of bed.

Suddenly, he felt a very strong urge to go to his grandmother's house. He had no idea why, but he just wanted to.

So he grabbed the first thing he could get his hands on, put them on and got out of the house.
His grandmother sat in the garden. Her back faced him. Jimin walked towards her.

"Halmeoni," he bowed.

She turned.

Her eyes looked distant. The catbird sat near her. He was hopping around, looking amazed.

Jimin sat down beside her. She didn't speak. She was busy looking at the sunset.

"I've always liked observing the sunset," she spoke out of the blue.

"Even more than sunrise."

Jimin looked at her. She was observing the horizon with such passion, he wanted to capture that moment and let her enjoy it forever.

A purple butterfly flew past them and landed on Jimin's finger.

His grandmother observed the butterfly quietly. Her eyes full of concentration. Her body, stiff.

He slowly moved his finger and gently touched the butterfly's fragile wing.

To his surprise, the butterfly didn't fly away or shiver or even move.

He looked at his grandmother who was still observing the butterfly.


Her gaze softened and she smiled brightly.

"Aren't butterflies afraid of humans?"

"Halmeoni, what does this mean?" he asked, slightly tilting his head towards the butterfly.

For a moment, he thought that she wouldn't reply. But she did.

Although the answer he got wasn't the one he had wanted to know.

"You'll know soon enough,"  she said, straightening up.

"You can go. Fly,"  Jimin said as he raised his hand above.

The butterfly fluttered her wings and was soon centimetres above his hand. He watched as it flew away.

As it came to the end of the garden, it stopped. Then, it turned back and looked at Jimin, as though trying to tell him something.

Or so Jimin thought.

His grandmother wasn't her usual cheery self today. She wasn't joking or telling him tales.

He didn't know how to describe her expression.

It was either blank.

Or filled with alot of emotions all at once.

His grandmother was a very mysterious person. One of the things he loved about her so much. He tapped her lighly on the shoulder.

"Um.. . hameoni, are you alright? Are you feeling well? Are you ill, perhaps?" he asked while putting the back of his hand on her forehead to feeling the temperature. It was normal.

She took him in his embrace. Jimin hugged ger back. He felt safe whenever she hugged him.

"I love you Jimine," she said softly as she ruffled his hair.

"I love you too halmeoni."

After a few moments, they were talking about the flowers and her garden. Jimin felt happy she was talking but she still wasn't her usual self.

He decided to give her some time and not to interrogate further. He looked at her.

Even with wrinkles, she was beautiful.


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Thx alooooot for reading😍😍😍

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