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The moon glowed in the mystic black sky. Its silvery light eliminating the starry sky. Clouds played and the stars twinkled with glee. The air pecked at his cheeks as he lay curled up in a ball by his window sill. The light blue curtains seemed to be glowing as the moonlight shined on them. 

Jimin inhaled deeply, hanging his head as he briefly glanced out the window towards the magnificent sky. He loved watching the sunset, watching the moon shine, watching flowers bloom and glancing at Y/N.

Jimin knew that he couldn't be with her. If she was a creature from another world, the inhabitant of another realm, he would have happily embraced the arms of death itself and be reborn next to her.

Watch her do her everyday routine, take her out for food competitions, make her laugh, help her when she began to slip on ice and kiss her candy like lips. But it was all a distant thought, a wish, a dream. 

He wondered how he would have been instead. Laughing at the jokes Hoseok cracked, challenging Jungkook to a football match, stealing Taehyungs sandwich and tell him that Jin stole it, teasing Jin that he had a pimple on his perfect face, reading comic books with Namjoon and listening to Yoongi rap. Just like what he used to do.

But he rarely thought about anything or anyone except Y/N. She was on his mind all the time and he didn't mind at all.

He avoided going out with his friends and always made excuses, didn't study at all and neither did he care about what would become of him in the final exams.

He didn't eat or talk much, didn't come out of his room much either, except for the times when he went to his grandmother's garden to water it and make sure that everything was in place. He used to be a bright and young kid with high hopes and imagination.

These days, he didn't feel like that person was him or that he was that person. He couldn't remember if he had even smiled lately. He only smiled when he saw Y/N in his dream. That was all.

He sometimes felt stressed and suffered headaches. Due to his constant denial of eating food and staying hungry, there had been a rapid decrease in his weight and he had become weak. He easily felt tired and his headaches turned into migraines. His face was pale and had lost its pigmentations. 

He spent most of his time sleeping, which was the only way he could be with Y/N. He knew if he continued like this, he could end up having anxieties or perhaps worse but he didn't bother. The very girl he loved was the one he couldn't ever be with.

He couldn't touch her, feel her or be with her. The universe didn't want them together. Fate wasn't on his side. His destiny was against him. The world was feeling more like a dream than a reality and his dreams felt more real then ever.

He wondered if there would be a time when his dreams and reality would collide but the thought itself seemed unbelievable and distant. 

ReverieOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora