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Jimin squeezed his pillow in a hug and closed his eyes, waiting for sleep to engulf him. After a while, he was snoring, sleeping soundly.

He walked near the glass wall and spotted Y/N as soon as he reached there. She looked as dazzling as ever. A huge smile was plastered across his face and when he tried to talk to her, no voice came out. Instead, he started sweating nervously and stuffed his hands in his pocket to cover his sweaty hands.

"Er.. .hi," he muttered, embarrassed.

She smiled at him brightly, making his heart skipped a beat.

"Hi," she greeted softly.

Jimin mentally counted down the seconds till he expressed his feelings.

He sighed, taking a deep breath.

"Y/N I- I.. . I love.. . the dandelions," he blurted out.

He mentally slapped himself.

Dandelions? Seriously?

He straightened up.

"Me too," she beamed.

"Actually Y/N um.. . we've been together for a while now and I-uh just wanted to know.. . you know, what you think about m-me?

"You're really sweet Jimin. And kind. You have a good heart and a pure soul. You keep your promises and care for your loved ones. You are quite amiable. Quite likeable," she blushed making him melt instantly.

"I really like you Y/N," he admitted and a quick rush of blood appeared on his cheeks.

She blinked.

"I like you too," she smiled and Jimin noticed that she had turned a deep shade of scarlet.

Jimin walked closer to the wall and so did she.

They just stood there, grinning like idiots. Both knew what the words like you meant. Jimin scratched the back of his head nervously.

He placed his hand on the glass wall and Y/N placed hers on the opposite side.

At first, he felt cold but then, her warmth. Even if there was a wall between them, he could feel her warmth and it made him feel like their feelings for each other could break all the laws of the universe.

He woke up. The sight of her smiling face clear in his mind.

Jimin couldn't concentrate in class and so he thought that it would be better if he gave the booklet a look. He opened it and saw the same picture of two smiling figures on either sides of the wall, smiling at each other as their hands were on either side of the wall.

He smiled brighter. He had experienced the same things.

He had gone through the whole book except the last few pages.

He saw a picture in which the couple sat in the garden near a tree. It was his grandmother's garden. The man was busy carving something in the cherry blossom tree: This is where it all began.

Jimin remembered seeing the writing on the cherry blossom tree.

Then there were some pictures of the couple getting married and exchanging rings, holding a beautiful baby and one in which their son was married.

Then there was a picture in which the old lady was standing by the tree and little baby sat on the grass, listening to her eagerly. His eyes were filled with wonder and joy.

Jimin couldn't clearly see the faces of the couple's kids or the boy sitting on the grass due to the smudged charcoal that covered his face.

He looked at the wedding sketch again. He had seen it somewhere. He just didn't remember where.

He turned to the last page. There was no sketch, just writing.

One day I shall come and reunite with you. I will come to you like I did before but first I must.. .

The booklet was snatched from his hand.

Jimin looked up to see a very ticked off Ms. Choi.

"Always spacing out in my class. In every class to be exact. If you're not interested in studying just quit school. I'm not a robot and I don't come here to talk to walls while you read your kiddy fan fictions and tell me wonder tales you read on wattpad. This is not a fanfiction Jimin. You are not in a fanfiction."

Jimin lowered his head. He was beyond ashamed. Almost everyone in the class was busy giggling and gossiping about him. All except his friends who looked worried.

"You know what, just take this stupid book and get the hell out of my class. I don't want to see your face here unless you have a proper brain surgery and are ready to study like a normal kid," she fired at him and tossed the booklet on his desk.

He picked it up, stuffed it in his bag and walked out.

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