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The girl he loved was.. .Y/N.

But this time Jimin didn't stop his heart from feeling about her whatever way it wanted. He himself wanted to know how he looked at her. He thought for a while.

Whenever she was around, he couldn't help but smile.

Just thinking of her made a smile appear on his face.

He had been feeling nervous around her sometimes and he never felt nervous around girls. Ever.

He didn't run away from her the way he ran away from other girls.

Thinking of her soothed him and he immediately felt relaxed.

He missed her almost every time and couldn't stop thinking about her.

When he saw those rings, he had imagined both of them walking hand in hand, wearing the rings.

Jimin swallowed.

He really was in love.

This was different than the affection he felt towards his friends, grandmother and parents.

He was experiencing this for the first time and had no idea what to do.


"And as the book says that he himself was responsible there is no way that he possibly.. ."Namjoon stopped reading.

He shook Jimin.

"Pabo where are you?" he asked waving his hand in front of Jimin's face. Jimin smiled, snapping back to reality.

"I'm listening hyung," he giggled cutely.

Namjoon cringed.

"Jiminie pabo your height is freaking short but you can't fix that at least fix your brain," Hoseok joked.

Jimin shrugged.

They all looked at him as though he was a mental patient who had just escaped his hospital.

Normally he would frown or pout when they called him short. Get annoyed even. But these days he just smiled as though every time they teased him he got paid for it.

"What?" Jimin chuckled.

"Hmmm nothing."

And Namjoon continued reading his book.

Jimin was different these days. Everyone had noticed this. He always had a distant far off gaze and a dreamy love struck look in his eyes. An eternal smile was plastered across his face which never seemed to lose its brightness. He would dance around the corridors and giggle uncontrollably. He was always humming cheerfully and hopping around like a happy little Mochi.

This wasn't the kind of Jimin they were used to seeing after his grandmother's death. He had felt cold and distant at first. But the tables had turned.

And although they were happy that their little Jiminie was ecstatic, they were a bit worried because of his sudden change in behaviour.

Jimin on the other hand had been seeing Y/N in his dreams and every time he did, he felt a dozen butterflies explode in his stomach and a blush always crept up his cheeks. It felt strange. Strangely good.

He still hadn't confessed but he was planning to do that pretty soon.

He was just worried if she didn't look at him that way and that confession would end up in rejection and would affect their friendship.

He knew he was crazy to be in love with a girl he only saw in his dreams, but he didn't think about that.

He was always drawing pictures of her.

He had started to make a booklet that contained all her sketches he had made.

He had also gone through the booklet his grandmother had left him. There were many sketches. But there was always a wall in between.

It was more like a story about two lovers.

Who saw each other everyday but were never able to touch each other or feel each other's warmth.

Some of the pages were torn and were currently missing but after those pages, there was a sketch of two love struck teenagers who lay blissfully in each other's arms with no no wall to separate them.

Jimin found the book interesting and by every passing day, he was growing curious about the second letter and for whom it might be.

He sometimes wandered if his grandmother's knew about Y/N but always ended up laughing at himself for thinking that.

There was no way his grandmother could know about Y/N, a girl who only appeared in Jimin's dreams.

He ended up with the conclusion that she might have written it for future or must have simply written it to make him feel better.

Either way, she sure was a help.

If it hadn't been for her, he wouldn't have realised his feelings for Y/N.

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