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"Spread, spread, spread my wings
La la la la la la la
La la la la la la la ~"

They had a free period today as their Maths teacher, Professor Hans had to rush home because his daughter got into a car accident and was apparently in critical condition. Since half of the staff had a meeting while the other half had periods, they were given a free period today.

Ofcourse everyone went crazy about it. It wasn't everyday that they got a free period. Today was a special day.

His last few days had been amazing. He saw Y/N in his dreams everyday and when he woke up, he felt gleeful to have seen her again.

They would talk and play and laugh together. Or just sit in a peaceful place, enjoying eachother's presence.

"You sure you don't want to join the art club?"

Jimin snapped back to reality. The whole of Bangtan were staring at him in shock.

Jungkook on the other hand, had a mixture of emotions. He looked shocked, impressed and proud too.

Jimin blinked. He had no idea why their face held such expressions. Jungkook was busy staring at Jimin's hands.

Bangtan would make fun of Jimin's short pinky but their expressions indicated no such thing. Rather, they were looking at them with full concentration as though they were earning money by staring at his hands.

Suddenly, Jimin felt something smooth in his hands. He looked at them and was shocked to see.. .

A drawing.. .

It was the drawing of a girl with hair that fell on her shoulders and ended near her elbows. She had smooth, clear skin. Her eyes were twinkling and her plump lips were parted slighly.

She sat on the wet mud near the sea shore, gazing at the horizon.


Jimin's eyes widened. He wasn't drawing it was he?

He was.

"Jimin, I thought you couldn't even draw a ball without making it look like an egg," Namjoon said, clearly impressed.

"A horrible, rotten egg," Hoseok added.

"I can't,"  Jimin answered truthfully.

Hoseok pointed towards the drawing in his hands.

It was beautiful and quite realistic. The tones were perfectly blended togetger.The horizon looked magical. It looked like he had captured the whole scene on a piece of paper. Wonders, a pencil could do.

"How did you do it?" Yoongi asked, raising his eyebrow.

Jimin himself had no idea how it had happened. It just.. . had.

He wasn't thinking, not even planning to draw something. He had just let his hand travel the pencil across the page, letting it do whatever it desired. Just some lead particles, rubbed off by friction, and he had created Y/N.

Just like she was. The sketch was a complete picture of how she looked. Jimin himself was impressed.

"I don't know," he whispered as he slowly traced his thumb over her neatly shaded lips on the paper.

"Who is she?"Jin questioned.

Jimin shrugged.

"No idea."

"Hyung you should join the art club with me,"  Jungkook said and his eyes lit up.

Jimin smiled.

"I'll see."

After a while, they started talking again.

"Yeah the game was awesome. Ofcourse I won. The best strategy.. ."

But that was all that Jimin heard. He was busy carassing Y/N's cheek.

He remembered. This was exactly how she looked when she was admiring the sunset.

"Beautiful,"  he muttered to himself.

But he wasn't talking about the sketch.

He meant Y/N.


Chapter 8 updated!!!
Hope you guys liked the chapter.
Fingers crossed.

ReverieDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora