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The morning breeze brought with it a different freshness. He beamed at the birds as they chirped outside his window. He felt a bit of weight in his right hand and found a little black box resting in his palm.

Jimin smiled. He had been clutching it protectively the whole night. He lightly caressed the soft box and opened it, expectancy shining through his eyes. His heart skipped several beats as he saw what lay in the box. There was only one ring in the box.

His eyes widened. The other ring was not present in the box. It had vanished without a trace. He began to worry and his breath hitched. Then, suddenly a flashback entered his thoughts.

The dream.

The ring.


He thought for a moment.

He really had given the ring to her.

He felt his heart flutter at the thought. Jimin took the ring in his hand. He held it delicately between his fingers like a fragile piece of glass that could shatter into a million little piece at the slightest application of pressure. He ran a hand through his messy hair.

He yawned lightly. The early morning sunlight transformed his once so gloomy room into the gleeful walls of wonder. Jimin got out of bed quickly and got dressed. He didn't plan on going on school that day. The weather was pleasant but the his mood today was even more pleasant.

He quickly washed up, grabbed his hoodie and put on his sneakers. He got out of the house, shutting the front door. His gait was impressive but rather free, somewhat resembling to a ghost.

He felt as though his spring day had finally arrived. The ring was glistening on his finger under the artistic sun. Jimin saw two adorable little kids sitting together at a bench, their fingers interwind. They both had big goofy smiles plastered across their faces.

They looked adorable together, blushing and giggling at eye contact. Jimin caught a glimpse at the girl's face. It was somehow like the girl in the diary his grandmother had left him. Coincidence, he thought and shrugged.

He walked on and sat by the Han River. The playful waves dipped and jumped, gathering white foam at the top. The cool breeze made him feel as light as a feather. He wrapped his arms around himself, rubbing himself gently to keep warm.

He could see her in everything he saw now. The waves, dancing like her hair, the breeze, gentle like her smile, the flowers, soft like her features and their petals as pink as her ripe lips.

Jimin imagined himself locking lips with her. Those candy flavored delights that he had hoped for so long to taste. No, he yearned for it and still did. Craved for that feeling of intense delight and ecstasy.

His eyes sparkled and two golden specks of light became visible and tiny creases formed under his eyes, making it look like an eye smile.

Jimin blushed.

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