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Sunday meant that he was free for the whole day. Not that he ever had anything much to do.

Except to think about what happened last night.. .


Jimin was sitting by the seaside waiting for her.

They had become really good friends over time.

Jimin greeted her with his usual smile and she did the same. They had decided to build a snow man and see who had a better one.

Since it was dreamland, they just had to think of a place to go and they were there.

Soon, they were starting to pile up snow and make a ginormous snowman.

Jimin was faster and was already working on his second layer while Y/N was midway on her first.

Jimin giggled as he saw her getting covered in snow.

Jimin won.

After that, they decided to go ice skating and after imagining that place for a while, they were standing on the ice skating rink.

Jimin gracefully glided on the ice. He was a professional at this. He had been ice skating for as long as he could remember.

Back when he was five, his parents would sometimes take him with them to business trips.

He remembered going to New York, that was the first time he stepped on the rink.

At first, it was very difficult and he kept on slipping. But after a while, he was gracefully skating like any other kid in the rink.

That was when he had started ice skating.

He danced on the ice and performed various stunts and Y/N cheered.

By the looks of it, her inner fangirl was coming out.

"Come on," Jimin called.

She hesitated a bit but then gave in and stepped on the ice.

Suddenly, she lost balance and was waving her arms around wildly, trying to maintain balance.

Jimin rushed towards her but just as he was about to go near her, he hit something solid and fell backwards.

Y/N slipped.

Jimin got up and tried to skate towards her but failed to get through the invisible wall that separated them.

Y/N got up and looked at Jimin. However, she didn't seem surprised.

Jimin once again skated towards her but stopped near the wall. Even though it was invisible, he could feel it.

Y/N came near the wall too.

For a moment, they both just stood there, staring into each other's eyes.

"There will always be a wall here Jimin. There always was. You can't come here and I can't go there. We can't cross it. It's a barrier".

Realization dawned up Jimin.

He had never tried to go near her. Whenever they wished to be somewhere, they never changed positions.

The wall had always been there.

But the snowballs did. So did the splashes of water.

It meant that only they could not touch each other.

Jimin sighed.

His eyes once again met hers.

She wasn't smiling.

Jimin wanted to run to her, hug her and tell her how beautiful her smile was.

But he couldn't.


Hi guys
Sorry i couldn't update the last two days
Thanks a lot for reading

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