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Jimin walked towards her while caressing the ring in his pocket with his soft fingers. She was already waiting for him. Jimin kissed the glass on which her cheek was pressed against. Y/N giggled like a little kid who had just been complimented on getting a gold star in class. It made Jimin's heart flutter and he knew, by the look on her face, that she felt the same.

"How do I make you feel?"Jimin asked out of the blue.

Y/N smiled and her mesmerizing eyes lit up with joy as a blush crept up her adorable cheeks.

"You appeal to my heart and make me feel like I'm connected to a world outside his world."

Jimin couldn't help but smile. Tiny crescents formed under his eyes and he felt his cheeks hot begin to color up.

"You're a part of my mind, my heart, my soul. You possess the key to unlock my innermost self," he managed to say while looking away so she couldn't see the blush on his chubby little cheeks.

Y/N looked at him, half surprised, half blushing. Jimin couldn't help but admire the look in her eyes whenever she looked at him. He found it not hard, but impossible to look away. Not that he wanted to look away. She was so captivatingly intriguing that he could look at her forever and still not get enough of her.

Ji took a deep breathe and looked at her expectantly. Her parted lips made him want to taste them but he couldn't. He sighed.

"I wish I could be with you Y/N. But there's a barrier between us. And I understand that it will always be there and to ask to be with you is a lot but can I at least give you something as a token of my love for you?" he questioned.

"Sure," she smiled.

Jimin's eyes lit up. He took out the rings from pocket and held them in front of her. He noticed how Y/N's  expression changed from delighted to awed.

"So.. .um.. . how does this work?" he said and let out a nervous laugh.

"Just wish that it was here with me and extend your hand," she smiled encouragingly.

Jimin did as he was told and extended his hand towards her. He prayed and wished with all his might that the ring could be with Y/N. At least a part of him, a sign of him, at least something of his could be with her this way. At least he could share something with her. Something only they had. The couple rings. They both would have one. That way, he thought, they could be closer, if not together. He closed his eyes in concentration.

When he opened them, he saw Y/N holding the beautiful ring in her hands. She looked up at him and smiled as a tear rolled down her cheek.

"Thank you Jimin. You did it. You are.. .amazing," she said as tears continued rolling down her cheeks.

"Please don't cry," he began.

Y/N's wiped her cheeks with her sleeve and sniffed.

"Not all tears are tears of sadness," she smiled.

Jimin slipped his ring onto his finger and his heart stopped beating for a moment or two when he saw Y/N wearing hers. They both looked at each other. And even though they weren't speaking, they both seemed to be reading each others emotions. They just stood there enjoying each other's existence.

"I love you," Jimin whispered.

"I love you too."

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