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Jimin averted his gaze towards the tulips and saw that on one of them sat.. .

A purple butterfly.

He blinked and rubbed his eyes to which his grandmother let out a soft chuckle and patted Jimin lightly on the back.

"A purple butterfly? I didnt know they even existed. How?" he questioned, clearly amazed and shocked.

His grandmother was busy observing the butterfly which was too fragile and stunningly breaththtaking. She sat elegantly on a tulip and drinking sweet nector.

"Its beautiful," he breathed.

"Ofcourse she is," his grandmother spoke.

His grandmother always used he/she for animals. She said they were friends. Jimin didn't know how someone could become a butterfly's BFF but he still found that interesting.

His grandmother was a strange lady and his parents didnt like it when he visited her. But he did'nt care. She was the women who made him realize what it was like to get scolded for getting up late, what joy simple things in life could bring and she always encouraged him to follow his heart and imagination.


A five - year old Jimin sat on the oaken swing in his grandmother's garden.

He licked his ice cream happily and hummed a cheerful tune. His grandmother sat on the tree's ancient roots.

A magnificent full moon smiled down at them bathing the garden with silvery moonlight which made her features more prominent, her high cheekbones, soft lips, which were painted red and her warm chocolate brown eyes that glistened beautifully.

She wore her favourite patchwork shawl. Her porcelain skin was gleamed in the moonlight and her auburn hair lightly swayed as the soft blowing wind blew past them.

An owl was hooted in the distance. Its big, yellow eyes fixed on the tree.

"And just as fate had decided, they lived happily ever after," she finished the story and looked up at Jimin, his reaction.

Jimin was impressed. He squealed and clapped happily. Each day she would tell him a story.

She would talk about destiny, fate and symbolism. As a child, he believed in it with all his heart but didn't understand most of the stuff she said.

As he grew up, his belief strengthened. He loved those stories.

"Ahjumma, will something magical happen to me someday too?" he questioned enthusiastically.

She chuckled at his cuteness and ruffled his hair. Jimin beamed.

"Fate does everything for a purpose," she said.

She always said that.

"What does fate have in mind for me?," he asked as he tossed the wrapper in his backpack.

"Surely something........
'wonder' ful."

End of Flashback:

"What does this mean?" he asked and tilted his head in the butterfly's direction.

His grandmother would always tell him about symbolism. Every animal, colour, flower, everything. Although to others that might seem boring, but to Jimin it was simply amazing.

His grandmother gently stroked the butterfly's wing as though she didn't hear him.

"Let's see...... purple butterfly meaning," he muttered as he typed on his laptop.

Unfortunately, he found nothing useful.

He ruffled his hair in frustration and shut his laptop.

It was nearly bedtime so he went to bed and buried himself under the soft covers.

After staring at the ceiling for a few moments, he was fast asleep.


Hi there my amazing readers.
So today was a triple update.
Hope you're enjoying the story.
If you have any suggestions, I'll be more than happy to hear.
Thx for reading😍😍😍

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