"My tits are cold."

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It sort of ended up unexpected. I mean me and George were still in London. walking around oxford street even though we were planning to be home by at-least half five. But it was way past seven in the evening. We were looking around in Topshop and TopMan. I needed new underwear and this might be one of the best times to get it. Because I had just gotten paid and I was in Topshop. I had to make sure George wasn't looking as I shoved a few bralettes and matching underwear in my hands walking over to the cashier and checking out the items I am purchasing. "Guess who?" A playful voice said at they covered my eyes gently and said in my ear.

"Oh I don't know George." I tell him jokingly.

"What you getting there?" He asked

"Why should I tell you?"

"Because you asked me to be exclusive and I thought that meant we are serious now." He says pouting.

"I'm getting underwear. And since you asked you are carrying the bag." I tell him "thank you G." He groans whilst I have a cheeky smile smeared across my face.

"Fine but that only because I like you to much." He tells me. I wink at him and smile.

"Hi George can I have a picture?" A voice says from behind me and George as we walk out the shop. He has my bag in his hand and the other hand he has to fake push me as a joke. We turn around and there is a young girl around 14 the youngest.

"Of course." He tells her. She looks extremely nervous as she hands him her phone. "Luna can you?" He asks me. I take the phone and take a couple of pictures of them. He was such an incredible person. So caring and talented I can see why people like him.

I was half asleep when we were at least a while away from home. I shuffle a bit and George looks at me and I am see him from the corner of my eyes. "You can sleep if you want." He told me

"This top is to booby." I complain "My tits are cold." I tell him. He looks at me trying to contain his laughter.

"What?!" I ask him

"You are cute and here take this." He says pulling a sweatshirt from the back seat. I slide it over my body and snuggle into it.

"Thank you babe." I tell him as he holds my hand gently. Driving us home.

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